Class Blog

Year 4 Blog

Lucea's Science Work!

Lucea has been busy doing Science work today, just as we usually do on a Tuesday!   She has been using a classification key to find the different pond animals and I can see that she's also done a Fact File on a Pond Snail, with a great picture too!.  Great work Lucea and thank you!   Mrs Blomeley

Darcy's Paper Pals!

Thank you Darcy for sending in these pictures of your lovely Paper Pal creations!  They look amazing and your positive posters are brilliant too!   Mrs Blomeley

Lucea Loves Learning!

Lucea loved the Times Table Rock Stars Tournament last night!  She was one of Year 4's highest scorers! Well done Lucea - I hope you will join in with the re-match!  Mrs Blomeley

Times Table Rock Stars Tournament Year 4 v Year 5

What a brilliant battle it was last night between Year 4 and Year 5!  It was so close!  Year 5 won in the end so well done to all of you.  Here are the team members who worked extremely hard.  I was so impressed!   The top 3 most valuable players received their certificates by email last night. Brooke was the overall highest scorer.  Fantastic work!

Team Year 4:   Brooke (1st)  Scarlett (2nd)  Sophie (3rd)    Lucea, Tilly, Harley, Maisie,  Bobby, Annabelle,  Molly,  Laura,  Jessica,  Darcy, Harrison and Matilda

Cameron's Football Maths Story!

Well, I always knew that if Cameron was going to do my Maths Challenge and write a multiplication story it would be about football! I was right!  Thank you Cameron - a great "story" and picture. Mrs Blomeley

Brooke, Sophie & Chloe's Easter News

It was lovely to receive these photographs and news from Brooke, Sophie and Chloe today! The girls have enjoyed the Easter holidays and have made the most of the lovely weather, enjoying lots of fun days in the garden. They have a new cousin, who was born the day before Easter, and the Easter bunny even paid them a visit!   They are really missing all their friends and teachers and they  loved seeing the video that the teachers made! Their bearded dragon also shed its skin!   Thank you girls! Mrs Blomeley and Miss Harvey

Bradley's Brilliant Home Learning

Well done to Bradley who managed to do 30 jumps for today's Active Challenge!   Bradley has also enjoyed the Home Learning task of using his imagination to create a Treasure picture!

Great work Bradley and thank you!   Mrs Blomeley

Year 4 Home Learning for week commencing 20th April

Please find attached this week's Home Learning grid and new activities.

Now that Easter is over, try to get back into your Home Learning routine and complete as many tasks as you can!   Please make sure you click on read more to access the grid and other documents.

Keep sending me examples of your work, or contact me if you have any questions, via

I do hope you are all keeping well.  Take care.

Mrs Blomeley


