Class Blog

Year 5 Blog

Year 5's "Taster Day" at Rayner Stephens!

What a brillliant day Year 5 had at Rayner Stephens!  They were invited to take part in a "Taster Day" where they did four different sessions.  They used table braces and saws in D&T to create their own designs and in Science they used the bunsen burners to explore the colours of different salts!  Using such equipment meant they had to be safe and sensible at all times.

Summer Fair

Thank you to everyone for joining us and supporting us on our summer fair. We had the good weather, great games, lovely food and plenty of fun. Thank you to the PTFA for their support too! We will share our total soon, but this will go to improving our libraries. 

Transition Y5 to Y6

I had a wonderful morning with my new, soon-to-be Year 6 class.

We read 'The Dot' and discussed resilience and building on what we can already do.

The children used their imaginations to think of the potential one black dot could have and designed some fabulous pieces of art- take a look at some of the photographs. 

We then had a tower-building challenge using only marshmellows and spaghetti. It was lovely to see so much teamwork and creativity.

I am very much looking forward to the year ahead Year 5 :)

Miss Harvey

Tameside Library Gadgeteers Summer reading challenge

Science is all around you!What do you love doing? Are you a brilliant baker? Or a mega music fan? Are you the tech wizard amongst your friends?Join the Gadgeteers for the Summer Reading Challenge to discover the amazing science and innovation behind the world around you, including some of your favourite things!Curious? Perfect!

Freddie Fit Fun

Year 5 used the different Freddie Fit exercise stations to keep fit this morning.  They all had lots of fun. Well done everyone!

Year 5 Awards!

Well done to the children who have received their Head Teacher's and Good to be Green awards today.  Keep up the hard work!

Computing in Year 5 - Creating Databases!

Year 5's task today was to create their own paper based version of a record card database!  They learnt that a database is a collection of organised data that is usually stored on a computer. Each group were asked to sort the records of their databases alphabetically and then  select different criteria to answer questions.  They showed great team work throughout the task!  They are looking forward to our next lesson when we move onto databases on the computers!  Well done Year 5!

Swimming Gala

 Well done to our year 5 and 6s who represented Broadbent Fold in the Tameside Swimming Gala. Pupils swam so fast and we even had a couple of 1st places! We came 6th overall and the pupils were a great team supporting and cheering each other on. We are very proud. 

Year 5 Awards!

Well done to Year 5 - they have all been award winners lately!  Especially for making us all proud when they visited Yorkshire Wildlife Park recently!  More  Headteacher's awards, Good to be Green and Silver awards followed this week!  Mrs Blomeley
