Class Blog

Year 5 Blog

Dukinfield football tournament

Broadbent Fold loved taking part in the very first Dukinfield 5 a side football tournament.

Broadbent Fold A team came 2nd in their competition losing 2-0 to St Mary's Catholic Primary School but winning 2-0 against Lyndhurst Primary School. A special mention to Jack for his wonder goal.

Internet Matters

Children talk about ways to keep safe online through e-safety lessons. At home, children can increase their knowledge further by using the APP Internet Matters.

Internet Matters’ is an app designed to help parents talk about online safety issues with their children, and to ensure that they make smart choices to stay safe online.

The split-screen collaborative app helps them think about what they would do if they were faced with different situations online; from cyberbullying to sharing content with someone they don’t know

Year 5 Topic Information for Summer Term 2

Our question this Half Term is "What makes South America a continent of contrasts?  Our class text is "Trash" by Andy Mulligan; a thought provoking and exciting fictional novel.   Please see below the Medium Term Plan and the Home Learning Challenge Grid for this final Half Term in Year 5.   Mrs Blomeley

Year 5's Visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park!

Year 5's visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park was AMAZING!  We saw so many animals, including wallabies, lemurs and monkeys as well as a majestic polar bear!  Wow!  During the classroom session, the teacher was impressed with their rainforest knowledge.  They also got to handle a huge snail, the cockroaches and a snake!  But our favourite part had to be the cute red panda, which was really how the whole idea of visiiting a zoo started.  Brilliant behaviour made the teachers extremely proud ! Well done Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Jubilee Celebrations!

On the last day of term the whole school got together to sing the songs throughout the decades that they had been  practising each week!   Great fun was had by all as the children sung Doris Day's "Que Sera, Sera", Madonna's "Holiday" and many others, including their favourite "Staying Alive" by the Bee Gees!  They had a great celebration, dressed in their red, white and blue to commemorate HRH our Majesty the Queen's platinum Jubilee!  

Year 5's Sponsored Walk to Gorse Hall!

What a great time we had on our last day of term! Year 5 enjoyed the opportunity to be outdoors and were very lucky to be accompanied by many parents too!  Mr Pickles, from the Friends of Gorse Hall society, was also on hand to tell us some interesting information about the various sites.  As always, Year 5 made us extremely proud in the way they represented Broadbent Fold and made a fantastic contribution to the Sponsored Walk collection.  Thank you everyone for your generous contributions!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 5's TV Appeal Play Scripts!

Year 5's writing genre for their work on their class text, Kensuke's Kingdom, was to write and perform a Play Script.  These were written as a television appeal for a missing person - their scripts were brilliant and their acting was just as impressive!  I'm sure we have some budding actors and actresses in this class!  Mrs Blomeley

National Numeracy Day - Super Mathematicians!

On National Numeracy Day we looked at Maths throughout the school and chose a Super Mathematician of the Day from each class. Tiny, our White Rose Maths mascot, helped to present the certificates!  Well done to everyone!  Tiny will be visiting each classroom for the last Half Term!  Mrs Blomeley


Amazing Creative Islands!

As part of their topic “Would you be brave enough to sail around the world?” Year 5’s Creative Homework task was to design and make their own desert island!  Here are some of the islands which are all amazing.  We even had an island good enough to eat - it was made as a cake, and as you will see, the class really enjoyed this delicious creation! Some of our islands are on display in the Reception area – have a look if you are visiting school!  Mrs Blomeley


Cheerleading competition

Broadbent Fold took part in a cheerleading competition in the pom category. Everyone had so much fun taking part and performing their routine infront of an audience. Well done to Summer who also represented the school in a dance off. It was fantastic to see everyone showing great sportsmanship cheering on all the other schools. Well done Broadbent Fold! 
