Class Blog

Year 5 Blog

Bikeability Day 1 !

Following the disappointment of Bikeability being postponed because of the snow in November, Year 5 finally started their Bikeability course yesterday!  The weather wasn't great, but the children battled on and were able to go out onto the local roads after lunch!  So far, the instructors are very impressed!  Keep it up Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Fruits of the Forest!

As part of their Rainforest Topic, and to enhance their reading of their class text,  "The Explorer", Year 5 enjoyed tasting some exotic fruits recently!  Pineapple, Lychees, Figs and Mangos were all on the menu as the children became food critics for the afternoon!  Mrs Blomeley

Awards in Year 5!

Well done to our Year 5 award winners during February!  Brilliant work across all subjects and fantastic behaviour from all those who have achieved Headteacher's certificates and Good to be Green awards, as well as Bronze, Silver and Home Learning Computing awards.  Children who represented our school at a recent bowling event received certificates, whilst football books and stickers were awarded to those children who had entered the competition to design a new football boot!   Amazing work from everyone!  Thank you!  Mrs Blomeley

Afternoon Tea with Mrs P!

Well done to the children who have been green this half term. I am very proud of you all. One child from each class joined me for afternoon tea to celebrate their hard work.

Keep this effort up! It is good to be green. 

Handwriting Winners Spring 2

A huge congratulations to our handwriting winners this term. They have all worked hard and either shown great improvment or just brilliant handwriting and presentation skills. Well done- we hope you enjoy using your new pencil to show off your great handwriting!

Our winners include: Nursery- Eric  Reception- Casey  Y1- Xavier  Y2- George  Y3- Lottie  Y4- Maisie  Y5- Noah  Y6- Jessica

All of your work is now proudly displayed outside Mrs Parker's room. 

British Science Week

Broadbent Fold will be celebrating British Science Week this year. The theme this year is ‘growth’. We will welcome ‘The Science Boffins’ into school during the week. On Friday 18th March we will host an exciting Science Fair. Also we will have an optional DRESS UP DAY- on 18th March where children can come to school dressed up as a real-life scientist. This could be anyone from David Attenborough, Mae C Jemison, Brian Cox, Marie Curie, Jane Goodall, Ada Lovelace…. there are endless possibilities. We can’t wait to see who you will be.

World Book Day

World Book day will be celebrated on Thursday 3rd March and children may come to school dressed as their favourite character or author. In school we will celebrate the day with many events including virtual author workshops, a visit by Manchester-based author Matt Goodfellow and we have the return of Broadbent Fold's 'The Masked Reader' Please check out the World Book Day website for news and events during March- World Book Day | World Book Day is a

Happy Safer Internet Day!

Our pupils are working hard learning about keeping safe online, which also supports mental health week. 

If families want to learn more, Parent Zone has a free Safer Internet Day Special Event on Tuesday 8 February, 4.30-5.00 pm, live on YouTube.
