Class Blog

Year 5 Blog

Whole School Poetry Competition

Next week is National Poetry Day on Thursday 7th October.

In school all classes from Y1-Y6 will be perform a poem to the school in assembly.

We would also like children to take part in a competition at home: please make up a poem about space as we celebrate space week on 11th October. 

Your poem could rhyme, it could be in an interesting shape, it could be acrostic. Any idea as long as it is about space!

Please bring in your poem to school and hand it in to your teachers by Friday 8th October if you would like to be entered into the competition.

Learning about Muslim beliefs

Year 5 enjoyed learning from our Muslim teacher visitor, Imran. He clearly explained how Muslims make special journeys. 

Can you remember where Muslims visit on their special journey?


Year 5 Awards!

Well done to the children in Year 5 who received this week's Head Teacher's and Good to be Green awards for their amazing work and outstanding behaviour!  We are very proud of all of you.  Mrs Blomeley

Afterschool Penny Whistles Club!

Our budding musicians from Year 5 had their first Penny Whistles Afterschool Club on Friday!  We are so pleased that the children are continuing their journey from Year 4 with Tameside Music Services to learn how to play this instrument.  We hope to hear more from this group at future assemblies!  Mrs Blomeley

Creating Space in the Playground!

As part of Year 5's Science topic, Earth and Space, they have learnt about the different planets, and their place in order from the Sun.  They used chalk to create the planets in the playground, then invited the children from Year 2, who are also studying Space for their topic.  Miss Lewis was delighted that Year 2 were able to identify all of the planets correctly!  Well done to both classes!  Mrs Blomeley

Victorian Hot Seating in Year 5!

To help them with ideas to write their Victorian diaries, Year 5 created some Hot Seating this week.  They asked questions to children from the workhouse to empathise with their lives.  I was impressed with the amazing role play and sensible questions from the class!  Well done Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 5 Awards!

Well done to the children in Year 5 who received this week's Head Teacher's and Good to be Green awards for their amazing work and outstanding behavior this week!  We are very proud of all of you.  Mrs Blomeley

Year 5 Freddie Fit Ambassadors!

Year 5 were amazing ambassadors for Freddie Fit's Circuit Training this week!  They spent two intense sessions training on Tuesday and then worked with Year 2 and Year 3 children on Wednesday as Learning Leaders.  They showed great maturity and skill when they demonstrated the activities to the younger children who worked so hard.  What brilliant role models Year 5 are!  We are very proud of you all!  Mrs Blomeley
