Class Blog

Year 5 Blog

Coban's zoom Peace poem.

Well done Coban a wonderful Peace poem from today's zoom. Thank you for your hard work and contributions. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Have a lovely weekened. Miss Glenn. 

Transition to Year 6

Hello Year 5.

I am looking forward to working with you all next year. :)

I have sent you all a letter via email and I have attached some activities that you can complete before the week beginning 20th July.

Please feel free to send me a letter back to the admin address- just remember to tell them it is for me and not Miss Glenn.

Enjoy your summer.

Take care,

Miss Harvey

Niamh's Anglo Saxon PowerPoint and Reading

Fantastic reading skills Niamh and a wonderful PowerPoint. Great work on your test style questions for reading. It was really interesting to find out about the Anglo Saxons and their Crime and Punishment. I can't believe it was 50 shillings for a lost foot! Trial by community is a very interesting idea. Brilliant work Niamh. Well done. Miss Glenn. 

Maisie's Marvellous Home Learning

Well done Maisie, those cakes look amazing. Great work following the Anglo-Saxon recipe using dates, butter, oats and cinnamon, mixing it all together and baking. What did they taste like? Great work researching Anglo-Saxons too, great wy to keep your hands warm whilst doing it, toasty! Super duper Maisie. Miss Glenn.  
