Class Blog

Year 5 Blog

Do you know how to keep safe online?

2020 is providing lots of opportunities for learning online. Below is an overview of some of the areas of Computing that children could be accessing as part of their home school learning.

E-SAFETY Home Learning 

As part of our Computing curriculum and RSE/PSHE lessons e-safety lessons are taught. 

We ask children how do they keep safe online?

Our first term of Forest School

Everyone has had a fantastic time at Forest School this term.  They have been lighting 'fairy blankets', using tools safely for whittling and sawing logs to make wood cookies.  The children have also played new games, made natural paint brushes, identified leaves, balanced on the slackline and played in the mud.  Each group has been cooking in the mud kitchen and they have made smores by toasting marshmallows on the campfire.  What a busy few weeks.  I am very proud of them all!


Tameside Mile Winners

KS2 took part in a competition against other schools in Tameside where they had to run 1 mile as fast as they could. The fastest times from each class have been submitted into the competition, we can't wait to hear how we have done! Well done to everyone who took part!

Year 6 Boys:

1st = Coban - 7 minutes 30 seconds

2nd = Aidan - 7 minutes 56 seconds

3rd = Reuben - 8 minutes 5 seconds

Year 6 Girls:

1st = Isabel - 7 minutes 58 seconds

1st = Poppy - 7 minutes 58 seconds

3rd  = Maisie - 8 minutes 42 seconds

Year 5 Boys:

Pumpkin Carving Competition!

What a fantastic collection of pumpkins we received back into school!  Children from all year groups at Broadbent Fold have been busy carving their pumpkins ready to return them to school to line our Key Stage 2 path.  We also had a selection of entries sent in by email from some of the children who are isolating at home.  Each pumpkin was unique and they all looked amazing!  This afternoon our Pupil Leaders had the difficult job of choosing some winners.  All of the designs were brilliant but the Pupil Leaders managed to choose four: 

Handwriting winners Autumn 1

Congratulations to our whole school handwriting winners in Autumn 1:

Nursery- Daisy

Reception- Olivia

Year 1- Millie

Year 2- Lolly

Year 3- Sam

Year 4- Seth

Year 5- Sophie

Year 6 - Lucy 

We have started to use a new scheme in school called 'Letterjoin'. All of these children have made a great start and have impressed their teachers! Their magnificent work has been displayed on our writing display near Mrs Parker's office.

International Spanish Day

Year 5 had a fantastic day food testing and finding out about what shops are on a Spanish high street. They were able to create sentences using....En mi calle hay...., and collect data about their favourite places to visit. Look at the Spanish town squares they made too. 

Space week

Year 5 have been examining the solar system throughout space week and writing diaries as if they're an astronaut. They have so many questions about space that I'm happy it is one of our major topics in Y5. 
