Class Blog

Year 5 Blog

Look what Cerys has been up to during lockdown!

Cerys has been very busy, doing her home learning, reading lots of books from amazon and she has been keeping very active. Super! Look at Cerys baking Lemon Drizzle Cake, I wish I could have tried some it's my favourite. I love your rock picture and play on words, that is so clever. Wonderful to see how creative you are with your PE game too, it looks like great fun. Keep up the good work Cerys. Miss Glenn. 

Year 5 Home Learning 18th May

Here is the Year 5 Home Learning for 18th May. I can't wait to see all your fantastic work. Thank you to all the work you have been sending in, it's been wonderful to look at all the different and creative things you are doing at this time. Miss Glenn.

Joy of Moving Festival

Broadbent Fold are looking forward to partnering with Oldham Athletic FC next week in the Joy of Moving Home Festival, joining thousands of schools across the country. The festival is aimed at KS2 children but parts are accessible by younger children if they want to join in. Participating in this festival gives us the opportunity to win £500 worth of equipment for school. See information about all the different activities for the festival in the files below.

Kacie's lovely picture and presentation.

This is super work Kacie, you have worked hard and you must have done a lot of research, I'm glad you enjoyed it. That is a wonderful picture, very realistic. It was very interesting to read about Russia having the most rivers and the Nile being the oldest river in the world. Great knowledge of river terms too. Fantastic. Miss Glenn. 
