Class Blog

Year 5 Blog

Lily's River PowerPoint.

An amazing PowerPoint Lily, great presentation and a lot of information. Super computing and geography skills. It was really interesting to read about how rivers are formed and the most important rivers around the world, the animals found there and how rivers are important today. I've broken it down due to the size for uploading. Brilliant Lily, well done. Miss Glenn.  

Have a read of Coban and Kasia's Deforestation work

Well done you two, wonderful work on deforestation which is such an important issue. You have lots of super information and you are right we really need to protect the earth for future generations. Check out the WWF website for more information on how you can help to do this. Fantastic. It was very interesting to learn all about Mary Seacole too. You have clearly worked hard on this. Fantastic.  

Reuben's been working hard.

You have been working really hard. It is super to hear you have been working hard on your maths. What a fantastic Nurses Day badge, Clara Barton is a very important person to remember as a lot of peopel rely on the red cross across the world. Wonderful work Reuben. 

Reuben's Scafell Pike postcard

Great work Reuben, 5 hours, that is a lot of walking. I can imagine how cold it is, good job you wrapped up warm. It sounds like you have packed well to keep safe on your trip. Sean sounds like an inspirational character. What a positive thing to do after what he went through. Anything is possible! Miss Glenn. 

Reuben is "Wheelie" Reading!

Reuben thinks this is a "wheelie" unusual place to read his favourite book - "Charlie & The Chocolate Factory" by Roald Dahl.   I think so too Reuben! Brilliant!  Mrs Blomeley

Lily's reading and exercise

Wow Lily, you did find an interesting place to read. I am glad to hear you did not pogo onto the roof! That would have been quite a jump. What a great fun way to get your daily exercise! 

Niamh's Snowdon postcard.

It was really interesting to read your virtual postcard Niamh, I found out some interesting information from it: I did not know Edmund Hillary used it to train for everest, wow. I would love to see those beautiful wildflowers and the snow on the top. I think I'll get training for the three peaks challenge right away! Briiliant work Niamh. Miss Glenn. 

Coban's rivers and mountains work.

Be sure check out Coban's Rivers and mountains work. Well done Coban this was really interesting to read and well put together. I can see you have done lots of reserach, you're even ahead for this week on the river work. Super job Coban, keep it up. 
