Class Blog

Year 5 Blog

Year 5 Sports Week and Healthy Eating!

Even though the rain meant that Sports Day was postponed, Year 5 enjoyed some different indoor activities during Sports Week:  Zumba in the classroom, Yoga in the Hall and making delicious fruit kebabs following their healthy eating topic!   Mrs Blomeley

Year 5's River Studies Trip!

What a great day Year 5 had on their River Studies trip to Park Bridge!  Even the morning rain didn't spoil their enthusiasm!  The class were able to see for themselves different parts of a river they had been learning about in class.  They saw an example of a meander, a weir and a culvert.  They also found lots of plants around the river and evidence of different types of seed dispersal.  During our afternoon activity IN the river,  the children found some interesting mini-beasts (these can demonstrate just how clean the river is)  as well as timing the speed of the river flow.

Rivers and Mountains!

Year 5 are looking forward to their last topic in Year 5 - Rivers and Mountains!  They have lots of interesting questions to be answered and are looking forward to learning about some of the famous rivers and different mountain ranges around the world.  Mrs Blomeley

Awesome Egyptian Week!

Did you know that the pyramids of Egypt were built at an angle of 52°?  Or that the Egyptians placed human intestines in Canopic jars before they mummified bodies?  Well, thanks to our visitors during Creative Week, we have learnt lots of information about the Ancient Egyptians!  Year 5 spent a busy week creating an Egyptian timeline together with mathematical, Egyptian board games and writing some fabulous stories when they found a cryptic letter from Tutankhamun.  Mrs Blomeley

King Arthur Movie Making in Year 5!

We may have some budding film directors in our midst in Year 5!   They combined their skills in ICT, model making and script writing to create a new tale based around King Arthur.  They found suitable backdrops for their scenes and demonstrated fantastic team work!  Well done Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Anglo Saxon houses and settlements!

After completing their fabulous Anglo Saxon houses for a homework task, Year 5 set about creating three settlements.  These were displayed around school for all to see.  Great team work and lots of history learning took place!   Mrs Blomeley

Year 5's Sporting Champions!

Year 5's boys and girls had a bumper award Assembly on Friday with lots of sports awards!  The medals, trophies and certificates included Football, Swimming, Gymnastics, Kick Boxing and Rugby.  Year 5 demonstrated how their commitment to sport extends beyond school and we are immensely proud of their achievements!  Well done!  Mrs Blomeley

Anglo Saxons - Wonderful Weavers!

Year 5 have been immersing themselves into their new topic this term - Anglo Saxons!   A homework project resulted in some fanatastic examples of Anglo Saxon houses, using some of the natural materials that would have been used during Anglo Saxon times.  They have also started to learn the wonderful skill of weaving and are enjoying seeing the results of their efforts grow!  Look out for our next task - Anglo Saxon settlements!  Mrs Blomeley.

World Book Day Fun in Year 5!

Wow!  A great effort was made by everyone in Year 5 to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of World Book Day.  Their costumes were fabulous!  We have some very talented children (and parents) in Year 5 with outfits ranging from Mary Poppins, Star Wars, Despicable Me to Harry Potter! Can you spot Wally from Where's Wally?  Mrs Blomeley

Kensuke's Kingdom - Year 5's Dilemma!

A mysterious parcel arrived containing, amongst other things, a faded football, a variety of shells and pebbles, a cryptic message in a bottle and a letter from “Michael” asking for advice.  Year 5 have already discovered that the story is none other than Michael Morpurgo’s Kensuke’s Kingdom and they are waiting for the story to unfold to identify the contents of the box .....   Mrs Blomeley
