Class Blog

Year 5 Blog

Space in the Playground!

Year 5 have been learning about Earth and the Solar System this term.  They were given a task to create chalk pictures of the planets, making sure they were drawn to scale and placed in their position in relation to the Sun.  The childlren have learnt a mnemonic to help them remember this information: My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming (planets).  Mars, Venus, Earth, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.  The class demonstrated great team work (look how many children helped to make the Sun) and also had great fun. The results were very impressive.  Well done Year 5!

Year 5's Family Open Morning!

Teachers, pupils and parents all agreed that Year 5's Exploring Europe assembly was fabulous! Where else would you find Albert Einstein, J. K. Rowling and the Pope in one place?  Following the assembly family members visited Year 5's classroom to pit their wits on some quizzes about Europe that the children had created.  We had baby cousins, brothers, mums. dads,  grandads, grandmas and even a great grandma!  We all enjoyed it as you can see from our photographs!  A huge thank you to everyone who came.  

Year 5's Brilliant Buildings!

As part of their topic this term, EXPLORING EUROPE! Year 5 have been busy buiding some famous landmarks from around Europe.  These include the famous Eiffel Tower in France, the iconic and ancient buildings of the Colosseum in Italy and the Parthenon in Greece, to one of the world's most prestigious football venues - the Santiago Bernebau Stadium.  Two groups decided to build some lesser known buildings; the Palace of Culture and Science, Poland's tallest building and St.

Marvellous Maths Week!

Maths Creative Week was enjoyed by everyone!  Year 5 began the week by creating their own rhyme, based on cubed numbers!  They also did an investigation to help them understand the meaning of cubed numbers and used lots of multi links to make their own cubes!   Other classroom activities, such as making a pig pen with the largest possible area, really challenged Year 5's reasoning skills and helped their understanding of area and perimeter.

Victorian Visit !

Year 5 travelled back in time to the Victorian age when they visited Quarry Bank Mill in Styal on 7th October.  Dressed in clothes of the Victorian period, the children arrived as apprentices and stepped right into a school lesson! Apart from writing and maths they were taught about some of the medical procedures of the time, such as bloodsucking leeches!  A visit to the mill, where they experienced the noisy machinery,  helped them to empathise with the poor children who worked there two hundred years ago.  We all enjoyed the day as you can see from this selection of photographs. 

Tag Rugby Teamwork!

Under the expert training of Mr O'Leary, Year 5 have worked hard to improve their Tag Rugby skills this term.  The children have shown great enthusiasm for this sport and demonstrated excellent team work.  Well done!

Comparing Queens!

To celebrate the historical moment when Queen Elizabeth surpassed the reign of her great-great-grandmother Queen Victoria, Year 5 produced homework projects about the similarities and differences between the two queens.  The results were fantastic and included power point presentations, leaflets, hand written posters and even an imaginative race track which demonstrated the hurdles both Queens had encountered during their reigns. Some children added interesting artefacts to their presentations, such as newspapers, Victorian coins and a scrap book from the Victorian era.

Year 5 in the Hot Seat!

Year 5's enthusiasm for our Victorian topic is amazing!  So far they have written diaries to empathise with the miserable life of a workhouse child and delved into the daily drudgery of a poor chimney sweep boy.  "Hot Seating" is where a child takes on the role of a character to answer questions from the rest of the class.  Year 5 have impressed me by their carefully thought out questions and the attention to detail from the Hot Seat characters.  Well done Year 5!   I am looking forward to a great year ahead!   Mrs Blomeley

River Deep and Mountain High! Year 5's Assembly and Open Morning for parents

Year 5 performed brilliantly at their "River Deep and Mountain High" assembly on Friday 17th July!  Based on this half term's theme they were able to share their knowledge and singing/dancing talents with their parents and the rest of school.  Following the assembly lots of parents visited the classroom to celebrate some of the fantastic work their children have produced this term.  Maths challenges and river word definitions games proved a hit with parents and the children really enjoyed this opportunity of sharing the classroom with their parents.

Year 5 face the Dragons!

Their fabulous design of a new fruity smoothy called "Zogo 5" won a group of Year 5 children the opportunity to pitch their product at the Dragons' Den event at Ravensfield School this month. The children faced six "Dragons", including our very own Governor, Mrs Fielding, with some gruelling questions about their research and marketing ideas for their enterprise.  They demonstrated real teamwork together with excellent presentational skills and should be immensely proud of their hard work.
