Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Viking Workshop

What a day we have had! It all started off with Njal Thorfinson snoring in Year 6. He took us back in time to when the Norsemen were trading in Brittania.

Internet Safety Week

Year 6 have been specifically looking at how to keep themselves safe online. They explored and discussed ways and means to keep themselves safe online and introduced and explained the SMART rules to Year 4.

What An Achievement!

I am highly impressed with all the additional work Year 6 is doing at home. A massive thank you to the parents for supporting their child in completing their creative Viking homework. Don't they look fabulous!

Super Science

Year 6 have been learning about circulation. They were really intrigued to hear each other's heart beat, measure their pulse and find out about how their hearts work.

Merry Christmas

Have a fantatsic Christmas break and a Happy New Year to you all. Stay safe and I look forward to seeing you all in January 2018. From Ms McCoy 

Fee Fi Fo Fum

What an absolutely amazing night it was last night. We are extremely proud of all Year 6, they were thoroughly entertaining. Well done!


During RE Week Year 6 have been examining Christian and Muslim life after death beliefs. We had a visitor of Tuesday from Holy Trinity chursch who shared the Nativity story and a devout Muslim who talked about Zakat (muslim charity) It has been fascinating to discuss the children's ideas and to see them grow in confidence in understanding religious views.
