Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Transition Workshop

2Boards and a Passion Theatre Company came in to work with year 6 this afternoon. We did lots of drama activities thinking about moving on to high school. The children put on mini dramas about a nightmare version of their first day at high school thinking about everything that could go wrong. We then discussed lots of sensible resolutions to some of the worries which the class had. 

Micro:bit Fun

Year 6 had fun today programming their micro:bits to do different things such as showing patterns, sharing a message and playing a melody. Soon we will be ready to take part in the BBC's playground survey.

Refugees Week

Today we joined an online webinar with children's author Michael Rosen to celebrate Refugee Week. He shared some of his poems from his book 'On the move- poems about migration' Michael shares his poems with great passion and this has inspired year 6 to create some poems about this years theme- Our Home!

Have a scroll through some of our completed shape poems-they are all so brilliant. 

Euros Tournament in Y6

To start off our Sports Week we played some Euros matches this morning. We played in our house teams- all of our scores will be collected during the week so that we can keep track of the winners. We had two teams who did really well today- we will have wait to to see who won!

We have also started a Euros Sweepstake- good luck everyone I hope your teams do well for you.

Ultimate questions

In RE today, we have been looking at "Ultimate Questions", questions that are difficult to answer and that led to a great discussion.

We then read "Heaven" by Nicholas Allen which links to our new scheme of work.

"What do religions say to us when life gets hard."

Mrs Gething


Jason Robinson Trust

A huge thank for the continued hard work and guidance our pupils are receiving from the Jason Robinson Trust. Coach, Charles has been rewarding effort and skills in rugby with some amazing prizes. Well done year 6 team! 

Year 6 Superstars!

Well done to Kade and Oliver for winning the Headteacher Certificates in Year 6 this week.

Oliver has created a superb suspense story about a doll shop which he should be very proud of.

Kade has come back to school with a great attitude to learning and has worked really hard this week.

Our Good to be Green winners are Mia and Jake.

A special well done to Evie who is the first member of the class to win the Headteacher Award- this is thoroughly deserved Evie!

Congrtulations to Ruby for winning her Gold Award.

