Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Y6 Star of the week 17-3-23

Well done to our Stars this week Kasia and Sam. 

Kasia has fantastic leadership qualities as a Sports Ambassador. She is a great advocate for women and girls playing football and her passion for this comes across so well. She is also a great helper when working in KS1 at lunchtimes playing games and supporting younger children. I was also impressed with her leadership skills last week helping to lead a PE lesson in year 6.

The Hive North

Broadbent Fold had the enormous pleasure to have a visit from The Hive North this afternoon. They were here to perform a play about how families are all different. The children had an amazing time being trainee zoo keepers and completely interacting with the performance. Thank you so much for  a fabulous afternoon. 

The Great Big School Clean

The Great Big School Clean campaign runs from 17th March to the 2nd April 2023. I have pledged that as a school we can collect 12 bags of rubbish.  Hopefully we can collect more! 

Well done to all of the children who have already started litter picking on their way to school and around the school grounds.  You are doing a fantastic job to help the environment! 


The snow didn't stop our girls taking part in #letgirlsplay last week. It was lovely to see so many girls in KS1 and KS2 taking part in our girls football tournaments. A big thank you to our Year 6 Game Changers in making the #letgirlsplay events successful and encouraging lots of other girls to play football.

Gold Food4Life

I am pleased to be able to announce that we have achieved our 'Gold' Food4Life Schools award.  

I appreciate the time and effort you as parents and pupils and staff have put into ensuring compliance with the School Food Standards as well as creating a positive healthy lifestyle atmosphere. Huge congratulations on achieving the ‘GOLD’ level of the award! 

Science Workshop at Rayner Stephens

As part of British Science Week 2023, Year 6 visited Rayner Stephens High School today to take part in a lesson about acids and alkalis. They first explored what these chemicals are and then went on to look at different hazard signs for dangerous substances. They then took part in a chemistry lesson investigating different substances by adding universal indicator to test the levels of acidity in each substance using the pH scale. After this activity the children had the opportunity to each make sherbet by mixing together citric acid, bicarbonate of soda and icing sugar.

International Womens Day

We are very proud that Evie was featured in the international womens day poster for basketball in Tameside. What a great photo! Thank you for sharing this with us!


Our Game Changers led the assembly this morning where they explained what their role was in school and how they got into football; they also discussed how equal access is wanted in girls football by 2024. I cannot wait to see how they continue to inspire girls at Broadbent Fold to take part in football.Tomorrow (8th March) is #letgirlsplay day where lots of girls football tournaments will be run throughout the day. We cannot wait!
