Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Y6 Star of the week 21-11-23

Congratulations to our Stars this week Jenson and Riley.

Jenson is a conscientious hardworking boy who puts his full effort into each and every task.

Riley is a great sportsman who has recently demonstrated his skill and teamwork during his volleyball sessions.

Head Boy and Head Girl Xander and Kasia both received the good to be green awards for their extemporary behaviour and attitude to learning.

Volleyball skills

Year 6 have been finessing ther volleyball skills over the last few weeks. They have been practising how to serve and keep the ball in the air by digging up to each other. They have discussed how teamwork is vital to make sure they communicate to pass the ball between each other and to make sure that the same person doesn't touch the ball twice consecutively.

I am impressed with your commitment to this year 6. 


Historical detectives

Today year 6 explored some sources of evidence about the Vikings. They had to examine each source closely to prove some statements found in history books about the Vikings.

We found out that Vikings did not have horned helmets; they settled in towns and villages with farms; they were skilled craftsmen who traded with other parts of the world. 

Great detective work year 6. 

Live lesson about the heart

Prior to our science topic about the heart and the circulatory system, year 6 watched a BBC Live lesson today. The children were fascinated to find out how the heart pumps around 6 litres of blood around the body per minute. We found out about how the circulatory system delivers oxygenated and deoxygenated blood around the body. We discovered ways to keep our heart healthy too.

What a great way to introduce our topic. 


Y6 Star of the week 13-11-23

Congraulations to our Y6 Stars of the week Rocky and Jenson.  

Rocky has been more attentive in lessons and is starting to complete more tasks in the time set- keep this up Rocky.

Jenson has worked hard in his maths lessons this week and has a good understanding of ratio and fractions. This is tricky so well done Jenson.

Abigail and Alfie achieved the good to be green award for their excellent behaviour and attitude to learning. 

Long distance running

Well done to year 6 who braved the arctic weather this week in their athletics lesson. We were developing our stamina for long distance running and how to control our pace.

Muslim Workshop

Yesterday year 6 really enjoyed their workshop with visitor Imran. They were very curious and had some fantastic questions that they were keen to ask to further their knowledge about Islam. We focused on what is like to be a Muslim in Britain today. Can you remember the name of any famous British Muslims year 6? Please bring in facts about a famous Muslim to share in class.

A letter from HRH King Charles III

During the first half term, Year 6 wrote a letter to King Charles III as part of their learning about the royal monarchs. This week we received a very special reply from the Palace which we are delighted with. This is very special and will be framed in school for others to read.

Well done Year 6! 

House Team Winners - Ruby!

Ruby have won the House Team Points for autumn term. Well done Ruby - you have been so impressive all term and have worked incredibly hard to achieve your rewards. On Friday 13th January, you will receive a special non-uniform day for your efforts. Good luck to the other teams this term - you can do it! 

Spring Topic Information

Happy New Year!!

I hope you have had a lovely Christmas break.

Please see the attached topic information for this term including some home learning activities which can be completed. These can also be found on Seesaw. 
