Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Happy Christmas

I wish you all a Happy Christmas. 

Have a lovely break year 6 and I will see you fresh and rested in January!

Miss Harvey

Board games in Y6

As part of our DT topic, Year 6 have researched and reviewed different board games. We then had a brainstorming meeting with our group to plan a few ideas for our games. After some board room discussions, we chose a game to design and make. Today we had the chance to play each other's games to get some market feedback. We then reviewed and evaluated our games.

The finished products are amazing. Well done!


Y6 Star of the week 16-12-22

Well done to our stars of the week Evan and Keaton.

Evan was very nervous about sharing his story with year 2 yesterday however he was wonderful and the children enjoyed his story.

Keaton is a lovely, expressive reader- we always love listening to him read our class text.

Thank you to Tyler and Noah for following our school values all week and winning our good to be Green Award.

Storytime with Y2...

Year 6 have been working incredibly hard on their adventure stories about dinosaurs for their target audience- year 2 children. Today they were so excited to get to read their stories aloud to our Y2 class to get some feedback.

Thank-you to year 2 for listening so well to our stories we hope you enjoyed them! 


Y6 World Cup Tournament

Yesterday the Y6 Sports Ambassadors ran a World Cup Tournament. The teams were Amber- England, Ruby- Portugal, Emerald- Brazil, Sapphire- Argentina.

I was impressed with their leadership skills- presenting a warm up, organising the teams and refereeing the matches. The winning team will be revealed in class today...


Y6 Santa Dash

We had lots of fun in our festive Santa Dash- the children were given different missions to complete by the Sports Ambassadors- I especially loved seeing you run like turkeys and snowflakes!

A special well done to our Y6 Sports Ambassadors for being so helpful and enthusiastic when supporting younger children across school with their Santa Dash.

You have all definitiely earned your Christmas dinner now. 

Y6 Star of the week 9-12-22

Congratulations to our superstars this week- Daniel and Heidi.

Daniel is working so hard in class but also at home. I am really impressed with the effort that he puts into his home learning- keep this up Daniel.

Heidi is the role model in the class to beat! She is hardworking, conscientious and dedicated to every lesson. She is a super prefect and monitor too. Well done for being such a star Heidi.

Geographical skills in year 6

Year 6 have enjoyed our geography unit on using different types of maps. The children can locate places using Google Earth and had the chance to use the measure tool to estimate and measure the perimeter of iconic buildings. We have found out about Ordnance survey maps and how to use 4 and 6 figure grid references- we used Purple Mash to use our map skills to locate cities in the UK and countries across Europe. We then created our own 3D contour maps to show height on a map- we will use these 3D islands to help us create our dinosaur narratives next week. 

Reading Lunchtime Club

Thank you to our Librarians for running a festive lunchtime club this week. The Y5 children have had the chance to play a Christmas Quiz, complete festive crosswords and play a festive version of bananagram.

It looks like you all had fun!
