Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Hummingbird Project

Today the Hummingbird Project started in year 5 and 6. This is a 6-week Positive Education intervention, designed to give students the tools they need to be as happy, healthy, and productive as possible. It involves hour-long workshops, in which students learn about happiness, mindfulness, gratitude, kindness, character strengths, and resilience, and take part in fun activities that help them to understand how to put these ideas into practice. 

Y6 Star of the week 4-11-22

Today everybody in Y6 was presented with the Star of the Week for their positive contributions and mature attitudes during our Safe Squad workshop.

Abigail was awarded with a Headteacher's Award for being such a hardworking member of the class. She is truly an outstanding role model.

Well done to Xander and Kasia for winning the Good to be Green Award today. 

You all looked amazing in your costumes :)

October Book Scavenger Hunt

Well done to all of the children who entered our Book Scavenger Hunt over the October half term. 

We hope you enjoy using your bookmarks to read more books :)

Miss Harvey and the Reading Ambassadors

Wellbeing in the outdoors

As part of Outdoor Learning Day Year 6 visited Gorse Hall for a wellbeing session. They had so much fun playing tig, hide and seek and football with lots of tree climbing too. 

Safe Squad in Y6

Year 6 had a fun, interactive morning taking part in our Safe Squad workshop. We discussed fire safety in the home, practised basic CPR, discussed how to be safe online and what to do if see hate crime or antisocial behaviour. We would like to thank the Safe Squad team for making this important, informative session so hands-on.

Autumn 2 Information

Our new topic is 'Did we used to be apes?'

Please se the attached topic overview.

Also see the attached home learning grid with additional activities for you to complete this term. 

Afternoon Tea with Mrs Parker

These wonderful role models have been green all term and enjoyed afternoon tea with me. I loved it and we ate too much chocolate cake.Well done to everyone who has also been green - maybe next time it will be you!  

Space Display

Our new space display is out of this world!!

This showcases some of the work which was completed around the school during Space Week in October. 

Well done!

Miss Harvey

Y6 Street Art

Please take time to look at the photographs of some the artwork produced in year 6 this week.

We have made our own versions of street art using inspiration from artists Banksy and Keith Haring. 

This looks so professional year 6!

Y6 Star of the week 12-10-22

Congratulations to our stars of the week Charley and Lucy.

Charley produced a fabulous piece of artwork inspired by street artist Banksy. 

Lucy's Keith Haring artwork was fantastic.

Well done to Thomas and Dylan for winning the Good to be Green award this week.

Well done to Heidi for winning the Vocabulary Ninja Award for your amazing use of vocabulary. 
