Class Blog

Reception Blog

Jacob's Super Home Learning

Jacob has been a very busy bee!  He has been planting seeds, labelling the parts of a plant and doing some fabulous reading outdoors!  He has been super busy with his phonics and maths too! 

Wow Jacob, keep up all your hard work!

Miss you all

Mrs Kleban

George's Marvellous Home Learning

George has been super busy with his home learning.  I love your 3D spider!

He has been using letter tiles to practise his spellings and has done some super sentences using the sounds of the week - magnificent!

Keep up all your hard work George!

Miss you all lots

Mrs Kleban

Noah's Marvellous Minibeast

Wow Noah, your minibeast is amazing!  I love your super caterpillar diary too!

I hope you had a good time on your Hartshead Pike adventure.  You will be super fit by the time we are back!

Miss you all

Mrs Kleban

Reception Home Learning - 18th May

I released the butterflies this week,  They have all flown away in search of some tasty nectar.

Here is your home learning for this week.  Don't forget to send in your pictures, I love seeing what you are all getting up to!

Miss you all.

Stay safe!

Mrs Kleban

Dominic's Fantastic Home Learning

Wow Dominic I am so impressed with your home learning.  Your caterpillar work is fantastic!  I love your 3D minibeasts, they are very creative!

Keep up all your super hard work!

Miss you all

Mrs Kleban
