Class Blog

Reception Blog

Reception Home Learning - 8th June 2020

I hope you all had a lovely half term.  We had some fabulous weather!

Here is the link to this week's home learning.  I have also attached a phase 4 phonics mat for your information.

Please email if you have any queries or call school and I will get back to you.

Keep sending me all your fabulous work.  I am so proud of you all!

I will be recording bedtime stories for you to watch on a Monday and Friday so watch out for them!

Stay safe!

Miss you all lots!

Jacob's Tour of Tameside 2020

Jacob has completed the 7 mile challenge for the Tour of Tameside 2020! He also met Peter Rabbit and climbed a few trees along the way. Fantastic work Jacob, you will get your certificate soon!

Reading competition winners

Thank you to all of the children who entered our reading competition.

We have all really enjoyed seeing your photographs of the strange and wonderful places that you have been reading at home.

Everybody who entered will be emailed a certificate for joining in.

Our winners are:

Reception- George

KS1- Logan

KS2- Freya

Well done to everybody again, Miss Harvey :) 

Haniya's Wonderful Home Learning

Wow Haniya, more amazing home learning.  You are doing splendidly on your bike, I am so proud - I bet Ross will be too!

Keep up all your hard work!

Missing you all

Mrs Kleban

Archie's Marvellous Home Learning

Wow Archie, you have been a busy bee.  I love all your super home learning, especially all the outdoor learning!

Your Easter Bonnets were fantastic!

Keep up all your hard work!

Miss you all

Mrs Kleban

Reception Home Learning - 26th May

I hope you all had a lovely bank holiday weekend in the sunshine!

This week's home learning is attached below.

Please note there will be none set next week as it is half term.  Hopefully the nice weather will continue!

Education City will have more games added for you to have a go at.  Please keep up all your super reading!

Stay safe everyone!

Miss you all

Mrs Kleban
