Class Blog

Reception Blog

Maths At Home Competition Entries!

More fantastic examples of using Maths at home.  Elwin is sequencing using Lego!  A very important skill to learn!  Meanwhile, Aubrey is using Maths whilst enjoying Maisie's dance moves!  What a brilliant idea!  Good Luck to you both and well done!  Mrs Blomeley


Maths At Home Competition Entries!

Here are our first two brilliant entries to the Maths at Home competition!   Firstly, Albert is checking the temperature of his new fridge/freezer and working out the difference between their temperatures of -18 and 3 degress  (answer 21 degrees).  Meanwhile, Matilda is helping her daddy to make sure the new worktops are straight with the spirit level, checking angles and measuring with a tape measure to cut the plinth.  These are both great examples of using Maths at Home!  Thank you and Good Luck!  Mrs Blomeley




COMPETITION! Maths At Home for Maths Week England 2020

As part of MATHS WEEK ENGLAND 2020, we are hosting a competition based on MATHS AT HOME.  We all use Maths at home in some way.  For example. telling the time, using scales to measure when cooking and baking, using fractions when slicing cake or pizza and so on.  The list is endless!  Ask your children for ideas!

Reception Home Learning - 2.11.20

Here is the home learning for anyone self isolating this week.

we will be revising all the phase 2 sounds in phonics this week in class.  I have attached the last two weeks work and videos to revise.

Please email or call school if you need anything.

Stay safe

Mrs Kleban

Do you know how to keep safe online?

2020 is providing lots of opportunities for learning online. Below is an overview of some of the areas of Computing that children could be accessing as part of their home school learning.

E-SAFETY Home Learning 

As part of our Computing curriculum and RSE/PSHE lessons e-safety lessons are taught. 

We ask children how do they keep safe online?

Pumpkin Carving Competition!

What a fantastic collection of pumpkins we received back into school!  Children from all year groups at Broadbent Fold have been busy carving their pumpkins ready to return them to school to line our Key Stage 2 path.  We also had a selection of entries sent in by email from some of the children who are isolating at home.  Each pumpkin was unique and they all looked amazing!  This afternoon our Pupil Leaders had the difficult job of choosing some winners.  All of the designs were brilliant but the Pupil Leaders managed to choose four: 
