School Blog

Broadbent Fold vs St Johns

Broadbent Fold boys football team had a tough match against St Johns with a final score of 2-5. A special mention to player of the match Jack for showing great sportsmanship and encouraging the team throughout the match. Well done to everyone that played, you did our school proud.

Indoor athletics competition

Broadbent Fold loved taking part in the indoor athletics competition. They came 17th in Tameside (19th in the track events and 13th in the field events). The schools best events were the girls triple jump, the speed bounce and the boys over under relay. Well done to everyone that took part, you did the school proud.

Indoor athletics competition

Broadbent Fold loved taking part in the indoor athletics competition. They came 17th in Tameside (19th in the track events and 13th in the field events). The schools best events were the girls triple jump, the speed bounce and the boys over under relay. Well done to everyone that took part, you did the school proud.

Fantastic Awards

Well done to this weeks Head-Teacher, Good to be Green and our vocabulary Ninja child(ren), you have really stood out this week for your excellent behaviour and outstanding learning! We have lot's of children getting super awards at their outside of school sports clubs including swimming, golf and football. Well done everyone, keep up the hard work!

Y6 Star of the week 17-2-23

Our Stars of the week in Year 6 are Heidi and Seth.

I love Heidi's completed Viking pop-up book. She has used a range of mechanisms and spent a lot of time making sure that her finished presentation was to a high standard.

Seth has being working incredibly hard in booster sessions- I loved his twisted fairy tale this week.

Jenson won our Vocabulary Ninja Award this term.

Our Good to be Green winners are Harriet and Thomas. 

DT Viking pop up books

Year 6 have loved their DT Week creating Viking pop-up books. We started by conducting some market research- looking at pop up books and how they work and what we liked or disliked about them. We then practised creating lots of different mechanisms like levers, sliders, spinners and pop-up structures. In our designs, we had to create a pop up book with three different mechanisms in. Today Year 6 shared their completed books with the children in year 3 to get to constructive feedback. 

Sharing Work

Year 3 had a special treat this morning. Year 6 children shared their brilliant Viking pop up-books. We were very impressed! Thank you for sharing your amazing work. 

Friday Awards

Special congratulations to our stars of the week. This week Head Teacher's certificates were awarded for great work in maths and fantastic story writing. We also had two Good to be Green lottery winners, Siver Award and a Vocabulary Ninja Champion. 

All Year 3 children have worked super hard this half term. Well done! Have a well deserved rest. 

My Lighthouse

To finish off our mysteries topic and combine our science, electricity topic, the children made lighthouses today. They used their scientific knowledge to make a complete circuit and experimented with switches to turn the lighthouse on and off. You must agree they are all fabulous. Well done Year 4. 

Marvellous Merits

A massive congratulations to all of the Year 4 children who gained an award today. They've worked ever so hard to finish off the term and I'm immensely proud of all their determination. I hope they all have a fabulous half term holidays and are looking forward to our Tudor and digestion topics when they return. 
