School Blog

World Book Day Events

This week we celebrate World Book day on Thursday. During the week, we have lots of fun reading and book events taking place. Each class will have story time swaps where a different adult from the school will come to read them a story. Each class will make books to be displayed in their library making every child an author!. On Thursday Years 4-6 will take part in a football themed reading quiz. All children may bring in their favourite books, comics or magazines to read on Thursday. On Friday you may choose to dress up as your favourite character- I can't wait to see who you come as.

Spring 2 Topic Information

This half term we will be looking at how Britain changed when people from the Caribbean and other islands came to Britain on HMT Empire Windrush to rebuild Britain's economy after the War between 1948 and 1971. We will explore some mature themes this half term including discussing racism and extreme views through our Topic, RE and Philosophy For Children lessons. We also have World Book Day activities and British Science Week activities to look forward to. Our Y6 children will plan and run a Science Fair for the rest of the school- this will be so exciting!

Year 4

Welcome back after the holidays. 

Our topic for the Spring Term is:  What was life like for the Tudors? Here, the children will be fully immersed into the Tudor time period. They will be creating a class book about the Tudors for World Book Day,  studying the Tudor monarchy, William Shakespeare, Tudor explorers and looking at their diet and cooking up a Tudor pottage. Alongside the Tudors, Year 4 will be finding out about teeth and how their digestive systems work and joining in British Science Week activities. What a fully packed 5 weeks we will have! 

Just a reminder: 

Under and Over Gymnastics in Year 5!

Year 5's Gymnastic objective was to work with a partner to travel over and under, on both  the floor and benches.  The children certainly delivered!  No two sequences were the same - they improved their work each week to create interesting ways to travel under and over each other.  Brilliant work Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Endangered Animals - Creative Project Presentations in Year 5!

For their Creative Homework projects, Year 5 researched a variety of endangered animals of the rainforests and presented their work to the class!  We all learned so much about the different animals, including insects, reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals!  They were all amazing!  Well done Year 5 for your researching and presentation skills! Mrs Blomeley

Athletics in Year 5!

Year 5 enjoyed the various disciplines of Athletics last half term!  They worked hard in our Hurdles, Javelin and Baton relay sessions and some of the children were chosen to represent school at the Indoor Athletic competition for Tameside.  Well done to all of you!   Mrs Blomeley

Awards in Year 5!

Year 5's award winners over the last two weeks of term included Headteachers Awards for amazing home learning work, excellent reading skills, fantastic creative homework presentations and being caring and considerate!  Good to be Green awards were presented to a selection of children who have followed our School Rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe, as well as Bronze awards for achieving 50 star points and Silver awards for achieving 100 star points!  Our end of term Handwriting and Vocab Ninja awards went to very worthy winners and we even had a dancng award for great work outside of

Home Learning Spring 2

Here is our home learning for this half term all linked to our topic 'How does your garden grow?'. Please remember to complete tasks in your home learning book and send them into school or upload them to Seesaw. Remember completing all 8 pieces of homework earns you a gold award, 6 pieces earns you a silver award and 4 pieces earns you a bronze award. We cannot wait to see all the brilliant things that you do! 

How does your garden grow?

In Spring 2, our topic is 'How does your garden grow?'. We will be learning all about plants, the environment and Beatrix Potter. We will even go on a trip to our local park Gorse Hall. For more information regarding what we are learning about this half term, please see the MTP below.
