School Blog

Let Girls Play

We want girls to play football!

It’s time to take a stand, to make a difference.

Girls are an unstoppable force for good if they’re given the chance. The chance to play football.

They want to play in the school curriculum, at breaktime, after school, at local clubs – wherever, whenever they want. No barriers, no stereotypes. Let Girls Play.

World Book Day competition winners

The Reading Ambassadors met with me today to choose winners of our 'top hat' design competition. This was very difficult because the standard was so high throughout school. Our winning top hats have been displayed in the KS2 Library.

Our winners are Nursery- Zachary, Reception- Vanessa, Y1- Tobias, Y2- Noah, Y3- Chloe, Y4- Ted, Y5- Oliver and Y6- Mia.

Thank you to everybody who entered the competition. 

Marvellous Maths

Year 4 have been working hard to master division. They started off with understanding division as an inverse to multiplication and have progressed onto using a part, part, whole model. Today, they have been dividing numbers with remainders and tomorrow they'll be looking at 3 digit numbers to divide. Some fantastic work. 

Every Child's An Author in Year 5!

Year 5 got their inspiration from a "Footy and Booky" Quiz that they had watched during the week, where footballers talked about the importance of reading.  Year 5 decided to write about their thoughts and ideas about reading and link it to well-being.  Their book, "Reasons for Reading", is a combination of advice and poems  and will be placed in the Library for all to read!  Brilliant work Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley  

World Book Day Fun in Year!

Year 5 arrived in Year 5 yesterday with such an array of their favourite book characters!  Important people from history such as Cleopatra, Julius Caesar and Queen Anne joined in with a variety of "Sophies" from Roald Dahl's The BFG and characters from Harry Potter!     Surprise visits from "Wednesday Adams" and the "Minecraft Creeper" figure, together with girls from the "Dork Diaries",  two footballers, the boy from "Lost and Found","Dorothy and Toto" from The Wizard of Oz, "Super Ted",  "Willie Wonka", "Princess Jasmine", "Frog Girl", "Winne the Witch", and "Alex Ryder" completed the cla

Year 5 Awards!

Well done to those who received this week's awards in Year 5!  Headteacher certificates were awarded for brilliant work in Maths and being an amazing, caring friend to everyone.  Good to be Green awards were presented for being Ready, Respectful and Safe, and Silver awards to those who have achieved 100 Star points!  Fantastic work everyone!  Mrs Blomeley

British Science Week Competition 2023

Soon we will be taking part in British Science Week and we have lots of fun learning opportunities planned throughout school. The theme this year is 'connections.'

What do you know about connections in science? How are body parts connected? How is the world built on connections? How are all animals connected? How is the solar system connected to the sun?   Is there someone you have connected with who has inspired or helped you? This could be a famous scientist! 

World Book Day

Year 1 have had lots of fun for World Book Day this week. Can you guess who we dressed up as? We brought in our favourite books to share and had Mrs Parker and Miss Slate read some of their favourite books to us too. 

Broadbent Fold vs St Mary’s, Denton

Broadbent Fold girls football team had a fantastic match last night against St Mary's, Denton winning the game 6-3 and progressing to the semi finals. Players of the match go to Heidi for her fantastic goal keeping skills and Ruby for how much th confidence grew throughout the game. Thank you to all the Year 6 boys and parents who came to cheer on the team.

Year 3 Stars of the week

A big well done to the children who received certificates today. We had Head Teacher's Awards for great work in PE and Georgrphy as well as two Good to be Green lottery winners and a Silver Award. 
