School Blog

Legostem workshop

Year 3 children learnt what STEM stands for and spent their workshop time improving their skills.

Children used engineering skills to build a robotic machine out of Lego. They then used iPads to write algorithms to programme and control their robotic model.

A fantastic day, lots of learning in an enjoyable way.

Basketball competition

Some Year 5 and 6 pupils took part in a basketball competition tonight and they were amazing and have qualified for the finals next week! They showed great teamwork, encouraging and supporting one another, and were determined throughout. They beat Micklehurst B team 6-0, Greswell A team 4-0, Manchester Road A team 6-0 and Arlies B team 2-0. 

Amazing job everyone - bring on the finals next week!

Dodgeball in Y6

Year 6 have been enjoying their dodgeball sessions in PE this half term. Yesterday we played some 'Character Dodgeball'. Different children adopted different characters to use to their advantage in the game such as Dr Dodgeball who can resuscitate members who are out and the Golden baller who knocks out the whole team if they hit one person. 

Great skills year 6!


Gardening Eco Club Week 1

The Eco Leaders have done a fantastic job this afternoon trimming the overgrown plants, weeding and litter picking. We also made friends with some very cute baby snails!  Well done everyone! 

Investigating contact and non-contact forces

Today in Science lesson, Year 3 children investigated contact and non-contact forces. We had different activities and were exploring which of them involed contact. We found out that non-contact forces are magnetism and gravity. 

Health and Nutrition

Year 4 started their healthy eating lesson today by identifying and classifying foods into the correct food groups. They then got the chance to look at the school menu and to unpick which meals included elements from all 5 food groups. There was lots of discussion about how healthy some meals actually were. 

Art fit for a King!

All of the children in Key Stage 2 have worked so hard to transform our Art Gallery into a celebration of the forthcoming Coronation of King Charles III.  They have used different medium to create their images; Year 3 used digital media to produce their versions of crowning King Charles, Year 4 used their portrait skills, Year 5 created new Royal crests by researching the King's hobbies and Year 6 chose stained glass windows as a backdrop for their amazing portraits. Well done everyone!  

Record breaker - Ash Randall!

Year 5 loved the visit from Ash Randall yesterday!  No wonder he is in the Guinness Book of Records - his skills are just amazing!  What a great role model he is to the children, making sure they know they can achieve anything they want to with hard work and perseverance!  He was happy to sign any books we had too.  Thank you to Ash and to Miss Mainprize for organising his visit!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 5 Awards!

Year 5's Headteacher Certificates this week were awarded for brilliant Science work at Rayner Stephens together with a whole class certificate for fantastic learning and behaviour during their visit to Tatton Park!  Our first Gold certificate was awarded for achieving 175 star points, plus Silver awards for those children who have achieved 100 points!  Good to be Green awards were handed to this week's winners who have been Ready, Respectful and Safe !  Well done to everyone!  Mrs Blomeley

Visit from Ash Randall

Everyone at Broadbent Fold loved their visit from freestyle footballer Ash Randall today. He holds 25 records in the Guinness book of Records and spoke to everyone about the importance of not giving up as he has been practising for 17 years. Ash Randall taught some of our pupils and even Miss Lewis and Miss Mainprize some new tricks. Thank you for your visit Ash! 
