School Blog

Team Amber - Winners!

Amber have won the House Team Points for spring term. Well done Amber - you have been so impressive all term and have worked incredibly hard to achieve your rewards. On Friday 31st March, you will receive a special non-uniform day for your efforts. Good luck to the other teams next term - you can do it! 

Science Fair 2023

Year 6 have had a fabulous day hosting the Science Fair this year. We have worked with KS1 and KS2 to investigate, research and consolidate our scientific learning across the school. We have explored magnets, electricity, scents, fingerprints, chemical reactions, famous inventors, space and beyond, rocks and fossils, light and shadow and human organs.

Thank you Year 6 you were fantastic leaders today and I am very proud of you all. 

Science Fair

To celebrate Science week at Broadbent Fold, the Year 6 children put together a Science Fair with lot's of cool, fun, science experiments for the children to take part in. Don't forget to ask your child which one was their favourite experiment and why. Thank you to Year 6 for an amazing morning. 

Comedy Night Success

Thank everyone for your hard work making our first PTFA Comedy Night a success. Thank you especially Mr Andrews and Dukinfield Golf Club for their hard work and support. It was a great evening and the comedians were just brilliant. We will plan many more fun nights with different themes over the next year. We raised over £500 on the raffle alone and this will go to building up our KS2 collection of reading books. We will share our overall total once this has been calculated.Thank you again - hope to see you for our next event on Thursday after-school.

Perfect Tudor Pottage

The children in Year 4 have really improved their culinary skills over the last 2 weeks whilst they followed a Tudor pottage recipe. The children to plan, peel, chop, dice and mix different vegetables to make their pottage, adding herbs and relishes to taste.They eventually made 5 different types of pottage: a leek and onion pottage, a carrot and leek pottage, a swede pottage, a swede and leek pottage and a spinach pottage. They all had the chance to taste test each soup and rate them. Their overall favourite was the leek and swede pottage made on Tuesday. Fantastic work Year 4. 

Super Science Fair

What a treat Year 4 today had when they went to the science fair which was run by Year 6. There was so much learning as the older children explained how shadows are formed and about day and night.  The children managed to experiment and make finger prints, electrical circuits, build the digestive system, use microscopes, torches, make potions and lots more. They all had an amazing time, what a great event. 

Choosing Science Competition winners!

The Pupil Leaders had another dfficult decision to make on Thursday!  They had to select the winners of the Science Poster competition with the theme of "Connections".  There were some amazing posters but the team finally decided on the ones that |Miss Harvery will enter into the official British Science Week competition, where exciting prizes are to be won!    Good Luck to all of you! 

Anglo Saxon Creations in Year 5!

This half term's creative homework project was to make an Anglo Saxon shield, helmet or house. The children didn't disappoint!  Thet created an array of different shields and a few houses to share with the class and to put on display! Some children even made an Anglo Saxon village whilst they were at our afterschool club, Rainbow!   Brilliant work everyone!  Mrs Blomeley

Awards in Year 5!

Headteacher's Certficates this week were awarded for great determination in achieving Mastery in Maths and for being a fun and trustworthy friend!  A Gold award for achieving 170 star points, Good to be Green awards for being Ready, Respectful and Safe and a Vocabulary Ninja award for using our Words of the Day in writing and speaking!  Well done to everyone!  Mrs Blomeley

Moving the wood chip

Year 1 had a fabulous time in Forest School moving the wood chip around the young trees. This helps to keep the roots warm which makes the trees grow more easily. It also stops the grass from growing around the trees. 
