School Blog

Reception MTP and Home Learning

This half term we will be learning all about minibeasts.

Here is a copy of this half term's medium term plan and home learning grid (for anyone wanting to do some additional learning).

Mrs Kleban


Can you survive in the woods?

This half term we are exploring the question Can you survive in the woods? We will be exploring a variety of traditional fairy tales, in particular Little Red Riding Hood. The children will then write their own twisted version of Little Red Riding Hood from the Wolf’s point of view. We will be designing waterproof shelters, building and evaluating their effectiveness. We will also be going on a nature walk in our local community (Gorse Hall) and printing with leaves to create decorative patterns and works of art that capture the beauty of nature.


Year 4 were very excited to explore their new reading resource today. The visual history of rivers is a beautiful book and the children were very impressed by the illustrations and information. They spent a long time exploring, sharing the books and discovering new things. 

Home Learning Summer 1

Here is our home learning for this half term all linked to our topic 'Hot or Cold?'. Please remember to complete tasks in your home learning book and send them into school or upload them to Seesaw. Remember completing all 8 pieces of homework earns you a gold award, 6 pieces earns you a silver award and 4 pieces earns you a bronze award. We cannot wait to see all the brilliant things that you do! 

Hot or Cold?

Our topic for Summer 1 is 'Hot or Cold?'. We will be learning all about where the North Pole, South Pole and equator are on a globe and comparing the key features of hot and cold places. We will have a video call from a South Pole explorer and will go on a trip to Eureka! There is so much to look forward to! For more information on what your child will be learning this half term, please see the topic web below. 

Summer 1- Year 3

Year 3 Medium Term Plan shows all the fabulous learning opportunities linked to our theme WW2, we very much look forward to children sharing their Home Learning Grid tasks which can be shared on Seesaw and/or brought into school to share with the class.

An exciting school visit to the Air Raid Shelter in Stockport is planned to enhance children's learning about life during the War.


Year 4 MTP

Dear Parents, Carers I do hope you've all had a lovely Easter break and are ready and the children are raring for our new term . This half term our main geography topic will be looking at the formation of rivers and mountains. Here the children will be learning firsthand about erosion and deposition on our trip to Park Bridge on the 15th May. Keep an eye out for the letter next week. This topic links fabulously with our science learning which is about the water cycle.
