School Blog

Scientific Observations

Year 4 got the opportunity to observe their eggs after they'd been left in different liquids for 5 days. To some children's disgust, the eggs are starting to smell and rot in the liquids. The children were finding out that they needed to make very close observations of the eggs so that they could identify what actually was going on and were pleased that their predictions were coming true. We look forward to looking at the eggs throughout the week to see if anything else changes.

Litter picking at Gorse Hall

The Eco Leaders did a fantastic job when they went litter picking at Gorse Hall.  With the help of Mr Pickles from the Friends of Gorse Hall and Mr Moon from Tameside Rotary and we collected 4 big bags full of litter.  All of the children worked really hard even in the pouring rain.  Well done everyone for helping to improve our local environment which will help our wildlife to grow and thrive.

Dilemma in Year 5!

Year 5 were excited, and a little confused, when a  mysterious parcel arrived through the post for them!  Amongst other things it contained a faded football, a variety of shells and pebbles, a cryptic message in a bottle and a letter from “Michael” asking for advice.  Year 5 have already discovered that the story is none other than Michael Morpurgo’s Kensuke’s Kingdom and they are waiting for the story to unfold to help them to solve Michael's dilemma!   Watch this space!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 5's pledge to join the Mini London Marathon !

Year 5 made their pledges last week to join the TCS Mini London Marathon!  The challenge in schools around the country is for every pupil to pledge to take part and help set a new Guinness World Records title!  We are hoping to receive an official Guinness World Records certificate to keep and display with pride at Broadbent Fold!  The class ran their first daily mile this week and had great fun!  Mrs Blomeley

Football Skills in Year 5!

Year 5 have started their Football sessions this week with Mr Williams the Sports Coach.  He was impressed with the class and, as a result, they were awarded the Sports Trophy in Friday's assembly!  In this unit of PE, the children will recap some of the fundamental skills of football and work on their decision making in game situations.  Well done Year t!  Mrs Blomeley

Summer 1 - Topic Information for Year 5

Our question this Half Term is "Would you be brave enough to sail around the world?"  Based on the amazing book Kensuke's Kingdom, by Michael Morpurgo, the children become hooked into the story when a mysterious box, containing a letter of dilemma and some strange items, arrives for them in class.....   Please see below the Medium Term Plan and the Home Learning Challenge Grid for this Half Term.   Mrs Blomeley

Year 5 Awards!

Well done to all of our Award winners this week!  Amazing maths work, outstanding manners and being Ready, Respectful and Safe all week are the reasons for our class members receiving the awards.  Silver certificates and badges for achieving 120 Star points were also given out this week!  Well done everybody and thank you all for your hard work. Mrs Blomeley 

Matt Goodfellow returns to BBF!

On Thursday 27th April we will be joined by Manchester based poet Matt Goodfellow. He will perform some of his poems in assembly and during poetry workshops throughout the day. The children thoroughly enjoyed working with him last year and I am sure they will create some amazing poetry with him again next week.

Please ask your child to share their poetry with you on Thursday. 

Y6 Star of the week 21-04-23

Well done to our superstars Kasia and Abigail.

Kasia has a positive mindset which she applies to all of her work. She is a joy to be around in the class.

Abigail has worked so hard in maths this week showing her amazing calculation skills tackling some challenging revision activities.

Riley and Henry won the Good to be Green Award.

Well done to the first half of the class who went to Rayner Stephens today. You worked so hard and all of the staff mentioned your lovely manners!
