School Blog

Daily Mile

Fantastic work Year 4 for continuing your Daily Mile activities. I'm very proud of the effort you are putting in to gaining your marathon by the end of May. Keep up all the exercise, whether it be walking or running. 

Poetry Workshop with Matt Goodfellow in Year 5!

Following Matt Goodfellow's assembly, Year 5 enjoyed their poetry workshop with our visiting author!  The class worked hard to do some "Rebel Writing" by producing their own poems!  Matt spoke about different dialects and inspired all the children to be creative!  Excellent work Yeaar 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 3 as evacuees

Year 3 dressed as evacuees and experienced life as it would have been during WW2.

They learnt ever so much about the Air Raid Shelter and it's history. Children looked at artefacts and had wardens teach them all about the history and what life would have been like. 

Do you know how deep the Air Raid Shelters are?What jobs did the women do while the men went to war?


Classification Keys

In our science topic this half term, year 6 have been creating their own classification keys to sort different animals. On Tuesday, we had the opportunity to use a classification key to identify different invertebrates on our school the grounds. 

We had a lot of fun!

Little Bikers

This morning we have been learning how to glide on our balance bikes and played stop and start games. 

Year 3 learning rounders skills in PE

Year 3 are learning to play the game of rounders. They are learning how to hit a ball correctly and how to be a successful fielder.

Cooperation is needed to be part of a team. Can you be a good team player?

Coding Workshop at Rayner Stephens part 2

This morning the second half of Y6 visited Rayner High to make their 3D car and code it using the Crumble Coding Set. I am so impressed with the computing skills of all of the pupils who managed to make their police sirens flash in different colours.

Thank you to the staff at Rayner High for letting us use their facilities too!

Mini Marathon

Year 4 have been completing the mini marathon since last Monday. They are getting fitter and enjoying running on the yard for 10 minutes. They've been inspired by the London marathon this weekend and really tried to complete more laps in the time allocated and they are really looking forward to the Daily Mile Challenge on Thursday. 
