School Blog

Fantastic Home learning in Year 4

Year 4 were super creative when asked to create a river system this week for their home learning task. They will be using this knowledge next week when we visit Park Bridge too. Fantastic work Year 4. 

King Charles III Coronation

Year 1 had lots of fun celebrating King Charles III's coronation on Friday. We had fish and chips in the classroom, came wearing red, white and blue, had our faces painted, designed crowns and designed place mats to eat off. We even had a visit from King Charles and Camilla themselves.

African necklaces

As part of our topic 'Hot or Cold?', we have been looking at Kenya. We learnt about the clothing that people wear here including the African tribes and made necklaces in this style using lots of patterns. 

World Daily Mile Day

We loved taking part in World Daily Mile day last week. Some of us said we were very tired after taking part and some of us carried on running at break time too! Well done everyone for not stopping!

Royal visit to Year 5!

Year 5 had a great day yesterday with their Coronation Celebrations!  All dressed in red, white and blue, the class had fun making their own Coronation themed bookmarks before joining a drawing masterclass with illustrator, Rob Biddulph.  They learnt how to draw the Saint Edward crown which was quite tricky!  They had lunch in the classroom with a Coronation bun for everyone!   The highlight of the day was a surprise visit from HRH King Charles III and his Queen Consort Camilla!   A friendly game of Diamond Cricket and playing outside for Good to be Green time completed the day.  We all had

Awards in Year 5!

Impeccable manners, amazing Maths and following our school Values of being Ready, Respectful and Safe are the reasons behing this week's Headteacher's merits and Good to be Green awards. Well done everone!  Mrs Blomeley


This week in gymnastics, the children have been working on the apparatus to demonstarte; working at 3 different levels, performing with control and demonstarting zig-zag and straight pathways. Great job everyone! Well done to those children who got out of their confort zone and gave it ago! 

A right royal day had by all...

We have had the best day celebrating the King's Coronation - the weather turned wet at one point, so we had to do our parties inside. Typical British weather. However, we had a fleeting visit from HRH and our children asked the funniest questions. Thank you to our kitchen for making yummy treats too. 

Who has been working hard this week?

 Well done to this week's Head-Teacher and Good to be Green award winners. We have been very busy with our SAT's tests this week as well as getting our everyday lessons done too. Keep up the hard work and positive mindset everybody! Well done to R and H who have been working hard at their football club outside of school and to A who has achieved a special award for passing her dance exam with a distinction! Great job
