School Blog

Eureka! Trip

Year 1 had the best day at Eureka! We got to try out lots of different jobs such as working in Halifax Bank, the post office, Marks and Spencers, a kitchen and a garage. We learnt all about the gross things our body can do in a Science show and learnt all about the human body. Finally we got to create some of our own music and had a great time dancing to it. 

Broadbent Fold vs Gee Cross

Broadbent Fold's boys football team had a fantastic friendly match against Gee Cross Primary School winning the game 3-1. There was some great team working, passing and defending especially in the second half where we really worked as a team. Well done everyone!

Cheshire Cricket Finals

We had a lovely afternoon at the Cheshire cricket finals on Wednesday and we came 3rd overall beating Godley in round 1 and losing a very close game against Arlies. We then won our friendly against Lyndhurst before we played St Mary's Dukinfield in the play off for 3rd place in another very close game. Everyone showed brilliant batting and fielding skills with lots of 6s scored, catches and lots of bowling to hit the wickets. Well done everyone!

Trial at Broadbent Magistrates Court

Year 6 have had a very interesting day today. We took part in a mock trial with The Magistrates in the Community. Firstly, we found out lots of information about how the Magistrates Court and Crown Court works. We discovered a list of crimes that could be reviewed at the Magistrates Court. The volunteers commented on how great the questioning of the pupils was.

This afternoon, we took part in a mock trial - the defendant was accused of cyberbullying. our Magistrates found her guilty, and she will now be sentenced!


Amazing Athletics

To finish off our half term on athletics the children made up their own little obstacle courses that included running, jumping and throwing. Some activities were quite a challenge. 

50th Birthday Logo Competition!

With almost 90 entrants into our 50th Birthday logo competition, it was always going to be difficult to choose a winner!  The designs were amazing!   Last week our Pupil Leadership team selected the winner and runners up and Mrs Parker announced them in today's assembly!  Well done to Ruby for the winning logo which will now appear on all communication about our 50th Birthday celebrations in June.  Well done also to our fabulous runner up entries.  We have some very talented artists at Broadbent Fold!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 5 Awars!

Year 5's awards this week were given for making a great contribution to our Polish session as well as amazing Topic work and outstanding presentation!  Good to be Green awards were given for being Ready Repectful and Safe this week and this half term's Handwriting certificate and pencil were awarded for much improved writing.  Well done everyone!  Mrs Blomeley
