School Blog

Year 5 Topic Information for Summer Term 2


Our geographical question this Half Term is "What makes South America a continent of contrasts?  Our class text is "Trash" by Andy Mulligan; a thought provoking and exciting fictional novel.   Please see below the Medium Term Plan and the Home Learning Challenge Grid for this final Half Term in Year 5.   Mrs Blomeley

Year 5 perform their TV Appeal play scripts!

One of Year 5's writing tasks, based on their class text, Kensuke's Kingdom, was to write and perform a Play Script.  These were written as a television appeal for a missing person.  Their scripts were brilliant and they worked hard in their groups to perfect their plays.  Their acting skills were fantastic - we clearly have some budding actors and actresses in this class!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 3 Summer 2

An exciting theme based on Ancient Greeks links well with our PE sports's week because of course the Olympics took part in Ancient Greek times. We end the year learning about history from Ancient times and also about the Geography linked with Greece and what better way to feel like we are in Greece but to plan and make a healthy Greek salad using our Food Technology skills.

We look forward to seeing children's home learning projects which will be displayed in our Year 3 Ancient Greek Museum.


Summer 2 Home Learning Menu

Here is the home learning menu for Summer 2 linked to our topic 'Tremendous Toys:Have you got this toy at home?'. Remember you can earn a gold award for completing 8 pieces of homework, a silver award for 6 pieces and a bronze award for 4 pieces. Don't forget to upload your amazing work to Seesaw or complete it in your home learning book and send it into school. We cannot wait to see the fantastic things that you do!

Tremendous Toys: Have you got this toy at home?

Our topic for Summer 2 is 'Tremendous Toys:Have you got this toy at home?' where we will be comparing the toys we play with and the ones our grandparents used to play with when they were little. We will be designing and making our own moving toys and toy adverts. For more information on what we will be learning this half term, please see the topic web below.

Creativity in Year 5!

As part of their topic “Would you be brave enough to sail around the world?” Year 5’s Creative Homework task was to design and make their own desert island!  Here are some of the islands which are all amazing!  They were made from different materials and we even had many that were constructed from Lego!  The children all enjoyed designing, making and presenting their creations to the class; some were on display for a while in our Reception area!  Well done everyone!  Mrs Blomeley



Awards in Year 5!

Awards on the last day of term were awarded for being a great role model, with exceptional manners, and for brilliant Maths work, both at school and at home.  Our Good to be Green winners were recognised for being Ready, Respectful and Safe all week!  This half term's Vocabulary Ninja certificate was awarded for fantastic use of interesting vocabulary and Year 5 had a clear winner of the History Quiz  with every question answered correctly!  Wow!  Amazing work everyone!  Mrs Blomeley 

Summer Term in Year 4

I do hope you've all had a lovely Whit holiday and are ready and the children are raring for our last term. This half term we're whizzing back in time to the Ancient Egyptians. The children will be learning about this advanced civilization, using hieroglyphics, finding out about Howard Carter, pharaohs and the importance of the River Nile and making a shaduf.

Summer 2 Topic Information

I cannot believe we are on our final half term before year 6 move on to their new secondary school. Please read our new topic information for Summer 2: 'Why were the Mayans magnificent'? Please note the important dates on our topic overview which is on our class blog including the end of year dates for your diary. I have also ttached the home learning grid with more opportuntities for learning from home. Please remember that the creative homework task is to be completed by 26th June. 


Y6 Star of the week 26-05-23

Well done to Sam and Seth for winning the Headteacher's Award for their teamwork creating a poster about how animals adapt to desert life. 

Sam and Harriet won the Good to be Green Award.

Boyd is this term's Vocabulary Ninja Award winner for using amazing language in his writing. 
