School Blog

Marvellous Merits

What fantastic sportsmanship this week and well done to everyone who put in 100% effort. A special well done to Isla and Mia, who won certificates for determination and team work. Great work everyone and especially team Ruby, who won the team with the most points this week. 

Fantastic first forest school session with Year 6

What a fabulous forest session we all had. Bug hunting, chilling and having fun in the hammock, playing the forest ranger game and whittling sticks. We found lots of ladybird larvae, violet ground beetles and caught flies! Well done everyone. 

Pupil Leaders plan for Celebration Assembly!

Another important job for our Pupil Leaders!  Today they met to discuss ideas for questions that they will ask our special guests at our 50th Anniversary Assembly next week!  They then took the idea back to their classes to see if any other children had some ideas.  Great work Pupil Leaders - our assembly is very close now!  Mrs Blomeley

Y6 Basketball Tournament

As part of Sports Week year 6 had our basketball tournament today. The competition was fierce and their basketball skills were fantastic. Thank you to Henry for refereeing. 

All of the goals scored will be added to the final scores to determine the winning house team.

Good luck everyone!

Y3 & Y4 Athletics Competition

Year 4 and Year 3 had a fantastic athletics competition today. The sun was shining and the children were eager to compete. They were fabulous at the throwing, hurdles, running, the relay, speed bounce and long jump. Well done everyone. 

Litter Picking

Year 2 have been doing a fantastic job with their litter picking. They have found lots of interesting items buried under the bushes! A brilliant way to help save the environment.

Leaf ID and fascinating invertebrates

A fantastic first Forest School session with Year 4. We identified lots of leaves, found some fascinating invertebrates and played the fun beetle tag game. Well done everyone! 

Swimming Gala

Today our year 4,5 and 6 pupils took part in Tameside's Swimming Gala. We came 5th place, which is amazing and even pipped a 1st place in the odd race. Well done to our stars - we are very proud of you! 
