School Blog

This week's award winners are...

Well done to this week's Head-teacher and Good to be Green award winners, you have really stood out this week and the end of the academic year is creeping upon us. Well done to those children who have been working hard at their after-school clubs- lot's of awards received. Keep up the hard work everyone!

Year 4 Awards

What a fabulous week for Year 4. They achieved amazing multiplication results, completed their NFER tests with great results, achieved their swimming certificates, completed minibeast hunts and shared their feelings about growing up and diversity. Well done to everyone this week. 

Picnic and Games - 50th Anniversary Celebrations for Year 5!

Year 5 had been looking forward to the planned picnic as part of the school's 50th Anniversay celebrations!  The day didn't disappoint!  They loved it!  After finding the perfect spot to lay their picnic blankets, Year 5 ate their food and enjoyed the sunshine.  They then headed off for fun and games, including Tug of War, Welly Throwing, Sack Racing and Skipping!  It was such a fun afternoon, spending time outside with the whole school!  Thank you to everyone who helped to make this happen!  Mrs Blomeley

50th Celebration picnic

We loved the picnic on our school field today to celebrate out schop turning 50! Our favourite part of the day was taking part in the tug of war but we also liked the sack race and penalty shoot out.

Our 50th Celebrations

What a lovely day for a whole school picnic and games! We enjoyed picnic food and played some party games, including: tug of war, sack race, hula hoop contest, penalty shootout, welly throw competition, egg and sppon race and a skipping competition. Even the weather stayed dry, bright and sunny. The children loved being out together as a whole school. A big thank you to all the parents for their kind donations towards party food. 

Year 6 Picnic

We loved our picnic today. We got to snack, chat, play games and have fun.

It was lovely for the whole school to be out together. 

Y6 Poem Performance

Year 6 performed a poem by Bill Bilston in assembly today. We first looked at this poem when we did our Windrush topic and it explores refugees. The poem can be read in two directions and at first year 6 were shocked at how racist the poem seemed to be!

Please watch our poem on this link: Year 6 Performance Poetry - YouTube

They performed it fantastically today :)


Perfect Picnic Day

We had a brilliant afternoon... We enjoyed picnic food and played some games, including tug of war, sack race, hula hoop contest, penalty shootout and welly throw competition. Even the weather stayed dry, bright and sunny.

Big thank you to all the parents for their kind donation towards party food. 
