School Blog

Cricket in Year 4

Year 4 have been working hard to perfect their fielding and batting skills so they can improve their cricket skills. They have had to use both hands to send and receive the ball and have aimed their batting shots so that their partner could practise catching. Some great work Year 4!

Exciting Egyptians

Year 4 found out about the Ancient Egyptians hieroglyphics and number system today. They were intrigued to find out about Ancient Egyptian tombs, mummification and how important the River Nile was. Look how fantastic their work was. 

Lacrosse in year 6

Ashton Lacrosse came in to work with year 6 today. We looked at techniques for scooping the ball using the 3s- stand, squat and scoop. We then played a fun game of Hungry Hippos. Finally we practised shooting a goal. A great session!

Broadbent Fold vs St Mary’s

Our Year 4 and 5 girls football team had their very first matches in a friendly tournament against St Mary's Catholic Primary School. There was some great goal keeping, defending and passing skills. The rain didn't stop the girls and they had a great time! Well done girls!

Fun with Area and Geometry!

Year 5 enjoyed making 2D shapes on their pin boards last week!  They made regular shapes, irregular shapes and various different types of triangles including Isosceles, Equilateral and Scalene. They also drew and measured the area of their hands and we found out that taller children have the largest hand area!  Great mathematical work Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Awards in Year 5!

This week's Headteacher's merits were awarded for great contribution to class questioning and impressive enthusiasm!  Good to be Green pencils were awarded for being Ready, Respectful and Safe whilst Silver Certificates and badges were given for those children who had achieved 100 Star Points!  A Gold certificate and badge was awarded for gaining 170 Star :Point!  Amazing work everyone!  Well done!  Mrs Blomeley

Y6 Star of the week 30-6-23

Congratulations to this weeks stars Sam and Alfie.

Sam's writing has gone from strenght to strenght this year and I was particularly impressed with his chocolate cake description which he wrote this week to persuade peopple to buy it.

Alfie worked collaboratively in our tansition workshop- he made a very convincing bully in our workshop!

This weeks Good to be Green stars are Maycie and Xander.


Stars of the week

Congratulations to our Stars of the week. This week, Head Teacher's ceritificates were awarded for brilliant behaviour and positive attitude to learning. We also had two Good to be Green lottery winners and some children achieved Silver Awards. Well done!
