School Blog

Y2 Outdoor Learning

Fabulous outdoor learning! We investigated the biodiversity of the school grounds and looked at the different leaves. We found lots of beetles and identified many different kinds of leaves.

Handwriting Awards Summer 1 2023

Well done to our Summer 1 handwriting winners! You have been awarded with your handwritng pencil and certificate for your amazing, neat presentation or for great effort and improvement in your handwriting.

Our winners are: Nursery- Connie, Reception- Eric, Y1- Daisy, Y2- Harry, Y3- Harry, Y4- Lolly, Y5- Jake, Y6- Evan

All of their wonderful handwriting has been proudly displayed outside Mrs Parker's room. 

Y6 Star of the week 19-5-23

Well done to Boyd and Thomas for winning the Headteacher's award today.

Boyd made an 3D incredible design for his pencil pot using Tinkercad last term. His winning design has been 3D printed for him to keep.

Thomas created a humorous persuasive speech this week explaining why he would put bones and toes in Room 101- very funny!

Well done to our Green Winners - Mia and Abigail - who won their pencil for following the school values.

Evan won the Handwriting Award for this term for his neat suspense story Alma.

Describing our feelings

In our PSHE lesson we chose some different feelings and used our drama skills to act out the different feelings. The rest of the class had to guess what the feelings were. All of the children agreed that it is very important to share and talk about our feelings. 

It’s Friday Awards Time Again…

This week Head Teacher's certificates were awarded for brilliant behaviour and for extra effort especially in PE. We also had two pencils given for following our school rules and staying on Green. Great improvement in handwriting was awarded too and two children achieved Silver and Gold Awards. Well done everyone!

Outside Learning - Life Cycle role play!

To endorse their current Science topic of Life Cycles,  Year  5 began their outside Science session today by engaging in some role play - enacting the life cycle of a frog!  From frogspawn to an adult frog, they enjoyed their metamorphisis  through the different stages.  Later, they searched on the field for any other examples of living things, including plants and trees!  The class were very well behaved and compassionate towards nature.  Well done Year 5.  Mrs Blomeley

Outside Learning - Climate Change Dodgeball!

Year 5 enjoyed their outside session today playing Climate Challenge Dodgeball!  . We had an Earth group, a Greenhouse Gases group and the Sun, who threw “rays” in the form of bean bags at the Earth.  It was a fast-paced game to show how increasing greenhouse gases causes global warming. It was a fun way to ensorse this important problem that is currently in the news. Mrs Blomeley

Outdoor Classroom Day

Today, we took our science lesson outside. After learning about how plants spread their seeds, we played seed dispersal game. We pretended to be squirrels preparing for winter. Each child got two raisins and two peanuts that represented acorns. The children were then asked to hide them as squirrels would do as a cache for winter when food is hard to come by. At the end, the children were challenged to retrieve their acorn cache for winter. Some of the squirrels didn't find any seeds as other squirrels took them. Some squirrels only managed to find one or two of the seeds they hid.
