School Blog

Mini bikers

We are doing so well with our mini bikers sessions. Lots of the children have progressed to pedals! Amazing!

Anne Frank

Year 3 children used purple mash to learn more about Anne Frank, some children even managed to write diaries pretending they were Anne Frank.

Other children answered questions about Anne Frank showing excellent knowledge of WW2.

50th Birthday Logo Competition!

Another important job for the Pupil Leadership Team!  A competition was arranged  to design a logo especially for our 50th Birthday celebrations, due to take place in June.  There were over 70 entries!  After the entries were short-listed, the Pupil Leaders chose their favourite design!  The winning entry and runners up will all be announced in Friday's assembly.  Well done to all of the entrants and a massive thank you to the Pupil Leaders for making a very tough decision!  Mrs Blomeley

Digging up the vegetable beds!

In gardening club today we dug up the overgrown raised beds. We found a giant spring onion, some small onions and some very odd shaped carrots! While we were digging we found lots of worms, a red beetle chrysalis and a very friendly snail! We are going to relocate the vegetable plot and hopefully grow some more fruit, vegetables and herbs this year. The children all worked extremely hard. Well done everyone! 

Medlock Valley

What an amazing day the children had at Park Bridge today. They loved their nature walk, exploring the Rocher Valley. They sketched and observed the river Medlock and the surrounding valley and loved watching and listening to the wildlife and rivers. After lunch, we set off to dam build, measure the river velocity and find river insects. The weather was even kind too. What a fabulous day!

Awards in Year 5!

Year 5 have worked really hard this week, despite having to vacate their classroom every morning for Year 6 to take their assessments!  They did this with the minimum of fuss and made sure our Year 6 children had the best possible start to their days.  For this they received a whole class merit!  Other merits were awarded for having an excellent approach to school and for being Ready Respectful and Safe.  Gold certificates and badges were given for achieving the amazing total of 200 star points!  Well done everyone!  Mrs Blomeley 

Friday Awards Go To…

This week, Head Teacher's certificates were awarded for great work in Maths and effort in writing. We also had two Good to be Green lottery winners. Two children achieved Silver and Gold Awards. Well done! 
