School Blog

River Investigation

Year 4 used a lot of reasoning to find out what the pictures of a river showed. They were fantastic at justifying the difference between a floodplain and a delta and examining the pictures that showed channels, waterfalls, tributaries and levees. A great geography lesson. 

Diamond Cricket in Year 5!

Year 5 are currently developing their bowling, batting and fielding skills in their cricket sessions this half term!  On Friday, they put their skills to the test when we played Diamond Cricket!  We have some brilliant players in the class and everyone enjoyed the game!  Mrs Blomeley.

Awards in Year 5!

Well done to Year 5's award winners this week!   Being a great Sports Ambassador, creative poetry writing with Matt Goodfellow and being Ready, Respectful and Safe are the reasons for these awards.  Silver certificates and badges for achieving 100 star point and a Bronze award for great work on Mathletics were also celebrated!

Could you SURVIVE in the woods?

Today, Year 2 took part in a variety of different survival activities to bring our topic (Can you survive in the woods?) to life. The children got to experience what it would be like to be stuck in the woods with nothing but themselves. All of the children got hands on making shelters, making fires, learning, finding and eating edible plants (Daisies, Forsythia, Cleavers, Bramble, Sorrel, Dandelion, Clover and Ribwort), cooking and tasting Dandelion fritters and making Cleaver (sticky weed) soup.

This week's Superstars are...

Well done to this week's Year 2 award winners. Year 2 got a special award: for their hard work and determination in preparation for the SAT's tests. Congratulations to those children who have all achieved awards outside of school for their excellent efforts in swimming and gymnastics. Keep up the hard work everybody! 

Poet Matt Goodfellow returns to BBF

 Year 2 enjoyed their poetry workshop with our visiting author, Matt Goodfellow! The class worked hard to do some "Rebel Writing" by producing their own poems!  Matt spoke about different dialects and inspired all the children to be creative and use the ideas that they already have and turn it into poetry.  

Y6 Star of the week 28-4-23

Well done to our Stars of the week Maycie and Lucy.

Maycie is working so hard to improve her writing style aswell as the content of her writing. She wrote an impressive character description of our creature called Skellig this week.

Lucy is working hard in science and has successfully made her own classification keys to sort animals.

Our Good to be Green Award winners are Sam and Noah.

Well done to our Silver and Gold award winners too. 

Friday Awards

A big well done to the children who received awards today. We had Head Teacher's certificates awarded for improvement in handwriting and in editing.Two children received Good to be Green pencils for being ready, respectful and safe. Some Year 3 children have been working incredibly hard at home and received Mathletics certificates. 
