School Blog

Friday Awards

A big well done to all year 3 for being awarded Head Teacher's Award for outstanding behaviour and attitude during our visit to Rayer Stephen. We also had another Head Teacher's Award for brilliant work in DT, making cranes. There were also two Good to be Green lottery winners and a Vocabulary Ninja Chapion. 

iMotion Pro

Year 4 had their first lesson in IMotion Pro. They were very eager at get started and make a movie that enabled them to capture little moments in time. The class very quickly got to grips with writing their name and moving an object across the tables. They watched the children's Tudor movies from last year and can't wait to make one next week. This year's theme is to depict The Spanish Armada attack. 

Busy Bee's!

Today, Year 2 have combined our ‘hook for learning’ activities with ‘Science week’ and ‘Outdoor learning.’ The children have taken part in a number of activities including: tasting honey from four different countries (Greece, China, UK and Africa) and rating which is their favourite honey and why, the children have been gardening and planting Bee-friendly flowers/plants to create a beautiful meadow and Bee friendly environment at Broadbent Fold. The children have also been Nature detectives, connecting with nature and exploring different wildlife.

Science Poster winners 2023

Well done to everyone who entered the British Science Week poster competition about connections.

I met with Mrs Blomeley and the Pupil Leaders this week to choose our school winners which was a very difficult decision.

Our KS1 winner is Nora!

Our KS2 winners are Matilda in Y5 and Sam G, Harriet, Thomas O and Boyd in Y6.

Well done to you all :)

Miss Harvey

Y6 Star of the week 24-3-23

Well done to our Stars this week Jack and Henry. 

Jack is really working hard on improving his writing and I am really impressed with his informal letter from a migrant this week.

Henry has contributed so well to our P4C sessions and I love how confidently he puts across his viewpoints. Keep this up.

Our Good to be Green winners are Daniel and Lexi for being outstanding role models! 

Preparations for the Science Fair

This week year 6 have enjoyed trialling some activities which we may use in our Science Fair which is on Monday 27th March- it is lovely to listen to them consolidate their previous learning by setting up activities linked to scientific knowledge they have built up at school.

We can't wait until Monday to do the real thing!

Philosophy For Children in Y6

Year 6 are really enjoying their P4C sessions on extremism. This week we have looked at our own identity and what it is to be a human. I have been impressed with their sensible approach to these sessions and how they discuss and listen to each other's viewpoints. 

Year 3 learning at Rayner Stephens

Year 3 enjoyed a science lesson with a difference- they actually had a lesson on magnets and magnetic forces at Rayner Stephens High School.

Children enjoyed using magnets, iron fillings and compasses.

Excellent behaviour and skills shown today.
