School Blog

Read our Tudor non-fiction book

For World Book Week, Year 4 made an exceptional non- fiction book all about The Tudor. They each had one area to research and make notes on and compile a few paragraphs about. The end result, I'm sure you'll agree, is exceptional. I am very proud of their efforts and hard work. It was no mean feat to create a book in a week. Well done Year 4. 

Disgusting Digestion

Today, the children got their first science lesson in our new topic- digestion. The children were able to identify some organs before the session, knowing that their food went into their stomach but were far more knowledgeable after the lesson. They were able to make connections easily between the teeth and how food is broken down with the stomach, small and large intestines. Inevitably, the children were 'grossed out' with discussing how the body gets rid of waste food!

International Womens Day

We are very proud that Evie was featured in the international womens day poster for basketball in Tameside. What a great photo! Thank you for sharing this with us!

Year 5's Haka Dance routine!

Year 5 have started to learn the Haka dance in their PE sessions with Miss Harrop, our Sports Coach.    After only two weeks they know all the moves they have learnt so far and are looking very impressive!  The Haka is a ceremonial Māori war dance or challenge which is usually performed in a group and represents a display of a tribe's pride, strength and unity.  Our aim is to create a suitable war dance to link to our Anglo Saxon topic.  Mrs Blomeley

Year 5's Super Science visit to Rayner Stephens!

Year 5 enjoyed their visit to Rayner Stephens yesterday for a Science Workshop, where they spent time in the Science Lab doing Chemistry!  Whilst there, they explored some different Acids and Alkalis and used a universal indicator to place them on the pH scale! They finished their session by mixing different ingredients to make a chemical reaction, which resulted in sherbet!  When we got back to school, the class designed their own wrappers for sherbet!  We were all extremely proud of the children's work and behaviour at Rayner Stephens was just amazing!  Well done everyone!

Design Technology in Year 3

The Iron man needed to be rescued. Year 3 learnt about pulleys and how to move a load. Children researched cranes then designed their own crane to rescue that could rescue the iron man. In groups their decided on a final design and selected the materials they needed.

Working cooperatively children made a crane and tested whether the Iron man could be rescued. Fabulous design technology skills shown In Year 3.

Henry VIII

Henry VIII visited Year 4 today and was questioned rigorously by the children. They wanted to know about his marriages, his interests, his eating habits and lots more. What a fantastic royal visit. 


Our Game Changers led the assembly this morning where they explained what their role was in school and how they got into football; they also discussed how equal access is wanted in girls football by 2024. I cannot wait to see how they continue to inspire girls at Broadbent Fold to take part in football.Tomorrow (8th March) is #letgirlsplay day where lots of girls football tournaments will be run throughout the day. We cannot wait!
