School Blog


The snow didn't stop our girls taking part in #letgirlsplay last week. It was lovely to see so many girls in KS1 and KS2 taking part in our girls football tournaments. A big thank you to our Year 6 Game Changers in making the #letgirlsplay events successful and encouraging lots of other girls to play football.

Jane Goodall

As part of our English work, we have been researching Jane Goodall who has observed chimpanzees in the wild for over 40 years and has changed the way people think about them. She is an activist and conservationist, teaching society about the importance of saving habitats and how closely related humans are to chimpanzees.  Read all about her in our biographies that will be posted next week.

Super Science

To aid the children's memory of the organs and functions of the digestive system, Year 4 got the chance to make a life size model of the digestive system today, using one of their friends. It was lots of fun. 

Year 5 - Anglo Saxon History at Tatton Park!

Year 5 had a brilliant visit to Tatton Park today to go back in time to find out what lwas like for the Anglo Saxons!  They were confronted by the scary, Viking character of "Harold Bloodaxe" who had arrived in the Anglo Saxon settlement to claim his Danegelds (taxes).  Whilst there, the children helped to thresh the wheat, grind the flour and mix the dough, ready for baking bread.

What a fantastic group of gymnasts.

What a fantastic group of gymnasts we have in Year 4. We're only in week 2 and the children are perfecting their jumps and on hands work to get smooth transitions and bridges between their movements. They're really working hard as well. Well done Year 4. 

Gold Food4Life

I am pleased to be able to announce that we have achieved our 'Gold' Food4Life Schools award.  

I appreciate the time and effort you as parents and pupils and staff have put into ensuring compliance with the School Food Standards as well as creating a positive healthy lifestyle atmosphere. Huge congratulations on achieving the ‘GOLD’ level of the award! 

Science Workshop at Rayner Stephens

As part of British Science Week 2023, Year 6 visited Rayner Stephens High School today to take part in a lesson about acids and alkalis. They first explored what these chemicals are and then went on to look at different hazard signs for dangerous substances. They then took part in a chemistry lesson investigating different substances by adding universal indicator to test the levels of acidity in each substance using the pH scale. After this activity the children had the opportunity to each make sherbet by mixing together citric acid, bicarbonate of soda and icing sugar.

Bridge Blunder in Year 3

Year 3 children worked cooperatively to design and build a bridge as part of British Science Week. This activity was designed to get children thinking about connections between weights, forces and measures. Children clearly explained how to make a fair test, they spoke about the strength of materials and how to make a sturdy bridge using only 5 pieces of paper. This investigating really did test the science skills in Year 3.

British Science Week

In nursery we have been developing our observational skills, and knowledge of the names and features of living things. We have made connections between different types of animals, noticing similarities and differences.
