School Blog


Today in computing, the children created a sequence of instructions (an algorithm) to draw a shape of a numeral e.g. 3. Firstly, we discussed what an algorithm is (an instruction / set of rules) for performing a task. The children created the algorithms in pairs or small groups using the Bee-bots to navigate their route, tracing the shape of the numeral. The children successfully worked out the algorithms for the numbers: 0, 1, 7, 5, 2 and 6.

World Book Day

This morning we have been sharing our favourite stories to celebrate World Book Day. We are looking forward to dressing up tomorrow!

Year 3 Making books

Year 3 have become authors and publishers! They have neatly copied their poems using handwriting pen. Pictures have been beautifully added and children have even added their own blurbs. Children now have their own poetry book which they are very proud of. Their poetry books are in the Year 3 reading corner for everyone to enjoy.

Reading in Year 5

Mrs Anson reading a chapter from The Far Away Tree by Enid Blyton to Year 5 as part of our World Book Day celebrations. We chose the chapter The Land of Goodies where the houses were made of gingerbread and the fences were made of marshmallows! All of the children would definitely like to visit The Land of Goodies!

Ready, Steady Read

Year 3 listened to an online zoom session with the author Charlotte Guillain who wrote 'The Street Beneath My Feet' a book we have enjoyed reading in our class.


Our crocuses and daffodils are growing!

In the Autumn term the Eco leaders and their chosen helpers from each class planted crocus and daffodil bulbs with the help of the members of the Tameside Rotary. The crocuses were donated by the Tameside Rotary to commemorate the End Polio Now campaign.  Now that it is the beginning of spring the flowers are starting to grow.  Fabulous job everyone!  Please make sure that any litter is picked up, as we sadly found a number of pieces of litter near the new flowers.

Spring 2 - Who were the Anglo Saxons?

Welcome back to Spring 2 which is a short but extremely busy term!    Our topic is “Who were the Anglo Saxons?” and we have many fun activities planned including an educational visit to Tatton Park for an Anglo Saxon Day!  This will take place on Tuesday 14th March and promises to be a trip to remember!

Team building in Year 5!

 Year 5 enjoyed the first session of their new focus in PE today - OAA.  Their task was a team building challenge where they had to demonstrate agility, balance, coordination and precision.  They had to use non-verbal communication to solve a problem - to get into alphabetical order by surname, all on the bench, without stepping off!  They were only allowed to use hand gestures - no talking or mouthing! All of the teams were impressive - they put their dictionary skills to great use!  Well done everyone!  Mrs Blomeley 
