School Blog

Perfect PE

Year 4 were fabulous today with their first Athletics session with our new coach. They had to complete an athletic relay, a long jump, a chest throw activity and a sprint. It definitely warmed everyone up. 

Year 4

There are lots of things to look forward to this half term. The children have already been discussing ideas about Bigfoot mysteries and have loved starting our class novel The Secret Lake. Keep reading our blogs for regular updates. 

Home Learning for Spring Term 1

Attached is the home learning for this half term linked to our topic 'What happened to the dinosaurs?'. All the activities link to the things we will be learning in school.

You can earn a gold award for completing all 8 pieces of homework, a silver award for completing 6 pieces of homework and a bronze award for completing 4 pieces of homework.

Don't forget to upload anything you complete to Seesaw or send it into school so we can see all the amazing things you have done at home!

What happened to the dinosaurs?

Happy New Year Year 1! We cannot wait to see you all back at school tomorrow.

Our new topic for this half term is called 'What happened to the dinosaurs?' and is a history based topic where we learn about Mary Anning, do an archaeological dig and find out about lots of different dinosaurs.

Attached is the topic web for this half term to find out all the exciting things we will be learning about. 

Stars of the Week 16th December

Wow, Year 1 have won so many awards in our celebration assembly this week for all their hard work!

Well done to all those pupils who got bronze, silver and gold awards for their home learning. You all sent me some amazing homework, I was so impressed!

Congratulations to Marshall for getting 50 star points and his bronze award and to Georgie and Elwin for getting 100 star points and their silver awards.

Ella won the PE award for all her fantastic ideas in the sports council meetings and for the teamwork she shows in multi skills.

Year 6 Topic information Spring 1

Our new topic is 'Were the Vikings vicious or victorious?'

Please look at the attached overview of what will be covered in class.

Also see the attached Home Learning Grid which can be used if your child is isolating with COVID 19.

Happy New Year

Hello Nursery,

Happy New Year! I hope you have had a lovely Christmas with your families.

This half term we will be learning all about Polar Animals/Winter. Please find attached the Medium Term Plan.

Mrs Tennant

Year 3 Spring 1

Dear Year 3, 

Welcome back and Happy New Year! We hope you’ve had a lovely Christmas break and are ready for our new topic. We have some exciting activities planned for this half term, based around our topic – What makes Earth angry? In this topic we will be expanding our geographical knowledge and learning about volcanos, earthquakes and tsunami. We will design and build models of earthquake proof buildings. In Science we will continue exploring formation of rocks, fossils and soil.

Nursery Home Learning Spring 1

Hello Nursery,

If you are self isolating please see the attached grid that will give you ideas for activities to complete at home. Please click on read more to access!

Please post all your fabulous work on seesaw, I cannot wait to see your fantastic work.

Take care,

Mrs Tennant
