School Blog

Year 4 Awards

Year 4 have been working hard again this week. We had so many children get their bronze awards and even 3 silver awards were issued. Well done Year 4. A special mention goes to Evie and Macy for getting the class merits awards for excellent work in class and to Reiss and Mia for earning their good to be green pencils. Fabulous work everyone. 

Learning Hockey Skills

Year 3 have started learning dribbling and push pass skills in hockey. They are progressing and developing skills with their partners and in small groups.


Pupil Leaders meet the Chair of Governors!

This week, the Pupil Leadership Team met with Bob, our Chair of Governors, to update him on their activities so far in the school year.  These ranged from choosing the items for UNICEF, following last year's Sponsored Silence; helping to promote ideas to gain the school's Gold Healthy Eating Award; to analysing answers from the recent questionnaire completed by the whole school.  Bob was very impressed by their confidence and leadership skills and was delighted with our school's Pupil Voice!  Their next task is to look at ideas for lunchtime clubs - watch this space! Mrs Blomeley

Year 5's Crumble Coding Wearable Tech Workshop!

Year 5 enjoyed their Crumble Coding workshop today!  Their aim was to make a piece of wearable tech to link to their rainforest topic.  They used coding to create algorithms to light different colours, for varying durations.  After all their hard work, they paraded their creations down a "catwalk", whilst explaining the purpose of their hats or belts.  The children had some fantastic ideas, ranging from warning that a dangerous animal is close, to sending out distress signals, as well as lighting up the forest floor to seek out rainforest animals.  Dom and Sue, the instructors, were amazed

Crumble Coding Workshop in Year 4

Today, the children have had a very exciting time. They learnt how to bring an electrical circuit to life using coding. They used programming skills alongside algorithms, logic and debugging to make traffic lights, emergency vehicles and light houses work. What an amazing workshop. 

Making Super Bird Feeders

Year 3 have been making fantastic bird feeders ready for the Big Schools' Bird Watch.  They also had fun making cakes in the mud kitchen and playing the Sparrow Hawk game.

Making Fantastic Bird Feeders

This week Year 2 have been making some fantastic bird feeders to encourage the birds to come to our school grounds ready for the Big Schools' Bird Watch. 

Stars of the week 14th January

Year 1 have made a fantastic start back after the New Year and are getting really engrossed in their dinosaurs topic. 

A big well done to Lydia and Albie who were our good to be green winners this week due to really impressing everyone with their great behaviour and for being kind to others.

Congratulations to Hollie who got e headteachers award for her fantastic dinosaur fact files.

Well done to Evan who got his bronze award for getting 50 star points and to Matilda and Scarlett who have got 100 star points and their silver award.

Y6 Star of the week 14-1-22

Congratulations to our superstars Roban and Hannah who were awarded with a headteacher's certificate this week.

Roban is enjoying learning about the Vikings in history and produced some good research about Viking life.

Hannah has persevered with difficult work on fractions in maths- keep this up.

Our Good to be Green awards go to Darcy and Oliver- well done for staying on green all week!!

Freeze Frame

We played a game called Freeze Frame in English this week. The children had to re-create a frozen image depicting the Viking attack on the monastries at Lindisfarne. They had to then come alive and make inferences about what each character would say. We had some great actors during this who were very entertaining. Hopefully this will help us to get into character when writing quotes in our newspaper reports. 
