School Blog

Marvellous Merits in Year 4

What a bumper pack of certificates that were handed out today. Aoife and Kade received the class merits, Oliver and Amelia got the Good To Be Green pencils as well. A massive congratulations to Matilda, Reiss, Maisie, Sam, Isobel, Isabelle, Evie, Luca and Lexi received their silver awards. 


Macy, Lexi and Nasir received certificates and medals for representing the class in a bowling competition and Theo, Maisie and Macy won the football boot design competition. 

What an amazing week we've had in Year 4. 


Year 3 revised being SMART online and created posters. How can you stay safe online?

We looked at reasons for and against SCREEN TIME, remember screen times makes us think it's daytime so it is not a good idea to be on screens (tablets, phones, computers) before bed.

We have shared videos and photos on Seesaw.

Happy Safer Internet Day!

Our pupils are working hard learning about keeping safe online, which also supports mental health week. 

If families want to learn more, Parent Zone has a free Safer Internet Day Special Event on Tuesday 8 February, 4.30-5.00 pm, live on YouTube.

Internet Safety in Year 4

Year 4 have been considering some very important questions during their Internet Safety sessions. They have made posters and enjoyed singing and learning about ways to make sure their online presence is safe, realistic and secure. They've had a really good discussion about how to make sure they have a positive Internet community and what to do if it's not. 

Mental Health in Year 4

Year 4 had the opportunity to join a library zoom session with Leanne Brown. She writes stories to help improve children's mental health. Leanne read 2 chapters of her story - Daniel's Dreams, Monster Mountain. The story and illustrations really inspired Year 4. 

Mental Health Week in Year 4

We are always looking after our mental health in Year 4. We start the day off with our feeling numbers when we take the register and afterwards we complete our positive message for the day. It allows us to discuss how we're feeling and help us to feel better if we're feeling worried or anxious. We always know that we have our Worry Wizard and worry box to help us if things get too hard to cope with Too. Today we were introduced to the 4 zones of regulation and learnt ways to stay in the green zone making us feel happier and more secure. 

Keeping Children Safe

Stay safe everyone!  

How many APPs do you know?

Ask children why do we have age recommendations for APPs? 

 Remember children send your E-Safety entries into your teachers?

Year 6 Stars of the week 4-2-22

Congratulations to this weeks Stars of the Week Harley and Brooke.

Harley is always really enthusiastic in maths and is really enjoying our work on fractions!!!

Brooke has excelled in science this week remembering lots of facts about the circulatory system.

Our Good to be Green winners are Sophie and Charlie who have been green all week.

Well done!!!

Internet Safety Workshop

This week Year 6 watched an online assembly about using the internet safely. This weeks theme is about showing respect online- see attached information. 
