School Blog

Polish Zoom

Half of Year 4 had a fabulous time this morning zooming their link school in Poland. They asked and answered questions about: how they were feeling, their name, their age and birthday. What a brilliant experience for them and the rest will be getting a chance really soon. 

Year 3 Spring 2 information

This half term our topic is: Who is the Iron Man? The children will be reading the gripping story of the iron giant, The Iron Man, and will continue to develop their comprehension skills by answering reading gem questions. They will explore and learn about features of persuasive texts. The children will design and make a product with mechanical components that will be advertised using persuasive vocabulary.

Please look at the attached overview of what will be covered in class.

Year 4

Our topic for the second Spring Term is: What was life like for the Tudors? Here, the children will be learning about Tudor royalty and the famous Henry VIII and his wives. They will be completing a virtual tour of Ordsall Hall and setting up their very own Shakespearean toy theatre using iMotion and Movie Maker in computing. 

Fruits of the Forest!

As part of their Rainforest Topic, and to enhance their reading of their class text,  "The Explorer", Year 5 enjoyed tasting some exotic fruits recently!  Pineapple, Lychees, Figs and Mangos were all on the menu as the children became food critics for the afternoon!  Mrs Blomeley

Awards in Year 5!

Well done to our Year 5 award winners during February!  Brilliant work across all subjects and fantastic behaviour from all those who have achieved Headteacher's certificates and Good to be Green awards, as well as Bronze, Silver and Home Learning Computing awards.  Children who represented our school at a recent bowling event received certificates, whilst football books and stickers were awarded to those children who had entered the competition to design a new football boot!   Amazing work from everyone!  Thank you!  Mrs Blomeley

Where would we be without the BEE?

This half term we will be busy buzzing about bees! Keep watching our blog / Seesaw to see what exciting things we get up to over the half term.PE will take place every Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has an indoor and outdoor (warm) PE kit in school with trainers in a clearly labelled bag. A polite reminder that all earrings should be removed for PE lessons. Forest school will take place on Wednesday afternoon's (please see letter for selected children for this half term).

Afternoon Tea with Mrs P!

Well done to the children who have been green this half term. I am very proud of you all. One child from each class joined me for afternoon tea to celebrate their hard work.

Keep this effort up! It is good to be green. 
