School Blog

Y6 Star of the week 4-3-22

Well done to our librarians Ava, Matilda, Jessica, Ellie, Matilda and Laura who won the Headteacher's Award today in Y6.

The girls have been so helpful this week organising the whole school competition yesterday for World Book Day. They stood up in assembly to explain what the children had to do, gave up part of their lunch time to run the competition and help younger children take part and helped to choose the winners. I am so impressed with them and appreciate all of their hard work. 

The girls would like to run more regular competitions so watch this space...

Nursery Home Learning Spring 2

Hello Nursery,

If you are self isolating please see the attached grid that will give you ideas for activities to complete at home. Please click on read more to access!

Please post all yur fabulous work on seesaw, I cannot wait to see your fantastic work.

Take care,

Mrs Tennant

World Book Day!

Yesterday, we celebrated World Book Day! We dressed up as our favourite book character or Author. Look at our fantastic costumes! Can you guess which book character / Author we are? 

Year 4 Champions

Congratulations to our award winners in Year 4 this week. Ethan and Nasir received the Good To Be Green pencils for fantastic behaviour. Ellis and Isobel got the class merits for hard work and being good role models. Isabelle, Jake, Ruby and Reiss received certificates for being super fit during our Freddie Fit workout on Tuesday. Lucy got her gold award and Macy, Ruby, Amelia, Polly and Sophie received their silver. What a fabulous way to start the new half term. Congratulations everyone! 

World Book Day events 2022

To celebrate World Book Day today our Y6 Librarians hosted a competition during lunchtime where children across the school had to guess the title of a book by looking at a small picture clue from the front cover. The girls were really helpful organising this and gave up their lunch time to work with the children to complete their entries. Well done ladies!

The winners will be announced soon....

KS2 also had the opportunity to take part in a virtual assembly with poet Michael Rosen. Some of our favourite poems were 'Chocolate Cake' and 'Don't breathe'

World Book day Y6

It was fantastic to see all of the World Book Day outfits today in Year 6. Thank you for going to the effort and taking part.

The class enjoyed reading their own books today in class and we had a virtual assembly with poet Michael Rosen. 

Matt Goodfellow Visit 2022

We were all certianly inspired by poet Matt this week. He performed his poems so well with humour and spirit and there was lots of laughter in both the KS1 and KS2 assemblies this week. 

All classes had the amazing opportunity to create poems with Matt in their class workshops too. Year 6 really enjoyed this and were keen to share their finished poems with him at the end of the sessions.

I hope those who bought a copy of his book 'Bright Bursts of Colour' have enjoyed reading it. 

Book Day

Year 3 have enjoyed dressing up as part of book day. 

We can't wait to see the book themed inspired home learning projects, we've already had some children share theirs. 

Poetry Workshop with Matt Goodfellow!

Year 5 were most impressed with Matt Goodfellow yesterday!  First with his amazing assembly, were he shared some of his poems about life, and then in the class workshop when the clhildren became poets themselves by writing about fun things in life!  Matt was inspirational and Year 5 are looking forward to completing their poems during the week. Mrs Blomeley.
