School Blog

New to BBF - Wellbeing Wednesdays!

Our Pupil Leaders have decided that every Wednesday is a wellbeing 'check-in' day. On Wellbeing Wednesday we take time to chat, to do yoga, meditation and share things on our mind. Staff and pupils are joining in with these special days every week. Join in at home too and talk to each other. 

Scientists in Year 5!

Year 5 rose to the challenge yesterday when they came dressed as Scientists!  As well as some "Mad Scientists" with their lab coats and mad hair,  we had some Albert Einsteins,  the famous inventor Nikola Tessler, Jane Goodall and Brian Cox.  We even had a young, upcoming scientist, Megan McCubbin, the young presenter from Springwatch as well as Mark Rober, the American engineer and inventor, who is famous on YouTube.    Brilliant efforts!  Thank you Year 5.  Mrs Blomeley

Year 5's Fun at the Fair!

Year 5 were impressed with Year 6's Science Fair yesterday!  They enjoyed every activity and the opportunities they presented to learn the science behind the task.  A massive well done to Year 6 who were great hosts with their mature and knowledgeable approach to Science.  Mrs Blomeley

Science Fair 2022

We are incredibly proud of our Year 6 class who worked really hard to organise and run the Science Fair today. They were superb role models for our younger children and have shared their scientific knowledge so well all morning. Please look through the photographs. 

Science fair

Year 3 children really enjoyed visiting Science fair in Year 6 classroon. Year 6 children shared their knowledge and explained the science behind the activities they were running. We would like to thank Miss Harvey and all the Year 6 children for organising this special treat for us. 

Marvellous Merits

A massive congratulations to Sam and Sophia for their wonderful science work his week. Well done to Eva and Luca for earning the Good to be Green pencils too. Great work everyone. 

Friday Awards in Year 3

A big well done to our stars of the week who have received the Head Teacher's Award for their hard work and attitude to learning. Our Good to Be Greeen lottery winners have followed our school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe. Our Silver Award winner has collected 100 star points. 

Super Science Fair

Year 4 had the opportunity to visit the Year 6 science fair today. They learnt about mixing chemicals, buoyancy, famous scientists, sound, chemical compounds, microscopes, gases, the human body and paper rockets. It was absolutely fantastic and extremely memorable. Well done Year 6. 

Science at Rayner Stephens High School

Today Year 6 took part in some science activities at Rayner High School for British Science Week.

The children worked collaboraitvely to design and then make towers using only spaghetti and marshmallows. This was very tricky but the they rose to the challenge thinking about the strongest shapes to use to make a balanced structure and using the marshmallow as glue. Well done to our winning team Bobby, Ayden and Albert.

We then split into two groups to either dissect a sheep heart or make parachutes for an egg.
