School Blog

Marvellous Music

Year 4 have been learning Greensleeves in our music lessons to fit with our Tudor topic. I'm sure you can agree, that the class is doing really well and progressing nicely with their penny whistles. They have now managed to learn additional notes - the F# and high D. Well done Year 4.  


Well done to children who received the Head-teachers and Good to be Green awards this week. Well done guys!

Y6 Star of the week 25-3-22

Well done to our Stars of the week Bradley and Matilda.

Bradley has been really enthusiastic in his writing about refugess this week and we are so very proud of him.

Matilda is growing in confidence in her SPAG booster and she works hard in every session- Mrs Gething is very impressed!

Well done to Joshua and Niamh for winning the good to be green pencil this week and for following our school values. 

This week's superstars

A big well done to our Year 3 stars of the week. Congratulations to the children who received their Head Teacher's Awards and Bronze Award. Thank you to our Good to be Green winners for following our school rules. You make us proud! 

Super Bean Growth

Year 4 have been watching their broad beans grow steadily this week. It was fabulous to see how they are able to watch the root and shoot crack out of the seed. Some of the beans unfortunately aren't doing so well but others are growing amazingly. These will be being planted in our new vegetable beds very soon. 


This morning, we have been exploring 6 different suffixes (-ation, -ly, -ness, -ment, -less and -ful). We worked in pairs to write as many words to fit each of the suffixes. Well done everybody.

Design Technology in Year 3

The Iron Man needed help so Year 3 learnt about pulleys and decided to create a design to rescue him.

They planned, designed and tested their models in order to try to lift the Iron Man.

Great team work took place with lots of discussion on how to make models. Children asked each other how they could improve their designs.

Together we evaluated models, we decided models needed to be more sturdy and strong to stop the Iron Man from breaking the designs.

Disgusting Digestion

Year 4 have been learning about digestion and how food is processed. They have worked well together to create a life size model of the digestive system and managed to label the parts too. 
