School Blog

Science Boffins in Y6

We had a workshop on Tuesday with the Science Boffins exploring polymers. We discussed stactic electricity and how when we create friction by rubbing something together, like a balloon on hair, the electrons move from the atoms and molecules in your hair onto the balloon. Electrons have a negative charge, so the balloon becomes negatively charged and your hair is left with a positive charge which makes them stick together. 

We also talked about polymers and how they are used on film sets to make noxious slime. We then mixed PVA glue and borax to make our own slime. 

Growth in Y6

In Year 6 we will have a competition to see who can grow the healthiest, tallest sunflower. We will look after these in class at first but then will eventually plant them on the school grounds.

We have taken part in the British Science Week competition to design a growth poster- we will choose a winner from the class to win a certificate.

We will be investigating the best conditions for plants to grow by measuring the growth of spring onions to discover the variables which affect growth. 


Science Boffins for British Science Week

On Tuesday the Science Boffin Vicki visited Broadbent Fold as part of British Science Week.

During the assembly we watched paper disappear when she lit it on fire - this is special paper called 'flash paper' 

Miss Harvey was kindly volunteered to have water tipped on her head... luckily the water had disappeared from the cup. This was because slush powder was in the bottom of the cup- this is a special powder which absorbs water. This is what is used in disposable nappies. 

Growth investigations

This week in science week, we are focusing on plants and 'growth'. Today we have started an investigation to see what a plant needs to stay healthy. The children planted their seeds in mixed groups. Firstly, they planted one ‘everything’ pot that has everything the children think that plants need. They then planted 4 more pots, with one pot for each condition they are testing (no light, no water, the wrong temperature, no soil). Each child is also investigating the life cycle of a plant.


Today we did multi-skills in PE, focusing on developing our catching and throwing skills using a variety of different sized balls. 

Science Week Fun in Year 5!

Year 5 had great fun when Vicky, the Science Boffin, arrived in school to demonstrate different aspects of Science in her assembly!  In their workshop, they learnt about atoms, and how static charge happens.

Incredible illusions!

Today, we have taken part in an incredible illusions workshop with Science Boffins. Oh what fun we had, finding animals hidden in the pictures. 

Growth in Year 4

Year 4 have been planting broad beans so that they can observe the stages of germination. As part of the British Science week topic of growth, Year 4 will be watching their broad beans root and shoots grow as they were placed somewhere they would have warmth, air and water so that they could germinate. Keep checking our blogs for updates on our broad bean plants. 
