School Blog

Exhibition for Amazing Artists!

Year 5 worked so hard to complete their Rainforest paintings in the style of Henri Rousseau!  They did an amazing job and it was brilliant to see their finished artwork on display amongst the fantastic work from the other classes in school.  Brilliant work by everyone - well done!  Mrs Blomeley.

Bikeability Day 2!

 Eventually the sun came out for Year 5 to complete their Bikeability training!   Bikeability is designed to give young people the skills and confidence to cycle safely on today's challenging roads. On Day 2, the groups went out onto the local roads to put their new skills into practise.  I am proud to say they all achieved their Bikeability certificates and badges!  Brilliant work Year 5!  Well done!  Mrs Blomelet

Matt Goodfellow visit

Today, we were visited By Matt Goodfellow. Matt who is a poetry-writing primary school teacher who has had poems published in magazines and anthologies worldwide, shared some of his amazing poetry with us and we joined in doing the actions too!

Walking Through The Jungle

Hello Nursery,

I hope you had a lovely and fun filled holiday. This half term we are Walking Through The Jungle!

Please find attached the Medium Term Plan.

Mrs Tennant

Matt Goodfellow Visits Year 4

Year 4 were very excited to meet Matt Goodfellow this week after reading some of his poetry recently. They loved finding out about his life and his rebel writing which is full of his thoughts, feelings, ideas, interests, observations and his life experiences. 

Pancake Day!

Today, we celebrated Shrove Tuesday and tasted pancakes with chocolate, jam and honey. We also designed our 'perfect pancake' and labelled the ingredients. In English, we wrote instructions about 'How to make a pancake

Year 4 Fitness

What fabulous weather it was for our Freddie Fit exercises today in PE. Have a look at how fit the class it. Well done Year 4. 

Bikeability Day 1 !

Following the disappointment of Bikeability being postponed because of the snow in November, Year 5 finally started their Bikeability course yesterday!  The weather wasn't great, but the children battled on and were able to go out onto the local roads after lunch!  So far, the instructors are very impressed!  Keep it up Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley
